還有一說 2.2萬 光年
http://news.xinmin.cn/rollnews/2010/04/15/4450422.htmlm82 應該是 > 1000萬光年吧
http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1980ApJ...242L..55BA 'cluster' of quasi-stellar objects near M82
Burbidge, E. M.; Junkkarinen, V. T.; Koski, A. T.; Smith, H. E.; Hoag, A. A.
Astrophysical Journal, Part 2 - Letters to the Editor, vol. 242, Dec. 1, 1980, p. L55-L57.
The discovery of a cluster of three quasars near the peculiar Irr/Sc galaxy M82 is reported. The three objects were detected by the grism technique to lie in a relatively compact group southeast of M82, with similar redshifts and emission line ratios. Image dissector scanner observations were performed to confirm the nature of the sources as quasars and the quasar redshifts of approximately 2. Consideration of the probability of the chance occurrence of three quasars at this redshift within an angular distance of less than 3.6 arcmin leads to the conclusion that the three quasars are physically associated with each other. If the redshifts of these objects are interpreted as cosmological, then they may make up a cluster of quasars of dimensions comparable to those of galactic clusters. If, on the other hand, the quasars are at the distance of M82, then the noncosmological process which produces their redshifts must be capable of producing them within a narrow range.