http://www.cloudynights.com/topic/275496-getting-a-toucam-pro-840k-to-work-with-windows-7/I am slowly getting back into imaging after a three year absence and I was testing out my equipment last night. I was especially dismayed to find that my ToUCam Pro (840K model) was not supported by Philips for Windows 7. There are no drivers for it.

My camera is in great condition and I think its still a viable planetary camera, so I was not looking forward to having to go buy a new webcam.
After some sleuthing on the internet, I found a workaround! I can't take credit for this as I found it on another forum.
Here is my version of the steps (do this with your camera plugged in and unrecognized):
http://drivers.softpedia.com/dyn-postdownload.php/706a870a1da58ef8d612efeb2a651147/574e25a0/2e2c4/0/1?tsf=0How do I Use Philips SPC900NC-00 for Windows 10 (32bit|64 bit .
http://cwesoft.com/free-drivers/philips-spc900nc-00-win10_69604_07.htmlhttps://stargazerslounge.com/topic/235874-philips-spc900nc-webcam-driver/http://www.p4c.philips.com/cgi-bin/cpindex.pl?ctn=SPC900NC/00&hlt=Link_Software&mid=Link_Software&scy=GB&slg=ENG1) Download and install the Windows 7 Driver (not the software, the driver) for the one of the SPC900 models of webcam from Philips.
2) After rebooting, run Notepad as administrator. If you are running the 32 bit version of Windows 7, navigate to c:Program FilesPhilipsPhilipsSPC900NC PC Camera. (If on 64-bit Windows, go to Program Files (x86).)
3) Open Camvid40.inf and edit the following lines. Turn off word wrap and turn on the Status Bar (View menu) to see the line numbers. Or count if you feel like it.

Edit line 66 to look like this:
Edit line 69 to look like this:
Edit line 72 to look like this:
%USBVid.DeviceDesc%=USBVidVista64,USBVID_0471&PID _0311&MI_00
You'll notice you seem to be changing the PID attriubute. Perhaps it stands for ProductID?
4) Save the file and then open SPC900.txt from the same directory.
Edit line 2 to look like this:
5) Save the file and close notepad.
6) Go to Device Manager (right click on Computer, choose Properties, then select Device Manager on the resulting screen.)
7) Under Other Devices, you'll see an Unknown Device. This is your currently unrecognized webcam. Right click on the unknown device and select Update Driver Software. Select Browse my Computer and go to C:Program FilesPhilipsPhilips SPC900NC PC Camera (again, if you're on Windows 7 64-bit, you want to go into the Program Files (x86) directory.) Make sure Include Subfolders is checked and click next.

In a few moments you should have a nice recognized webcam. It will recognize the 840K as the SPC 900, but it should work just find in your capture software.
9) Enjoy and do something else with the time you would have spent reformatting with Windows XP or messing with a virtual XP machine.