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作者 主題: 徵求熱愛天文的英文高手  (閱讀 81454 次)
文章: 1604

« 回覆文章 #30 於: 2009-03-21 06:33:57 »

« 最後編輯時間: 2009-03-21 06:40:04 由 accord » 已記錄
文章: 225

« 回覆文章 #31 於: 2009-03-21 09:58:06 »
« 最後編輯時間: 2009-03-21 10:14:36 由 jimhung999 » 已記錄
文章: 8364

« 回覆文章 #32 於: 2009-03-21 14:22:22 »

感謝兩位鄉親提供相關資訊 Grin

文章: 74

« 回覆文章 #33 於: 2009-03-21 17:25:43 »

感謝洪大哥 Grin
文章: 74

« 回覆文章 #34 於: 2009-03-21 17:28:39 »


贈衛八處士    杜甫
人生不相見 動如參與商 今夕復何夕 共此燈燭光
少壯能幾時 鬢髮各已蒼 訪舊半為鬼 驚呼熱中腸
焉知二十載 重上君子堂 昔別君未婚 兒女忽成行
怡然敬父執 問我來何方 問答未及已 驅兒羅酒漿
夜雨剪春韭 新炊間黃梁 主稱會面難 一舉累十觴
十觴亦不醉 感子故意長 明日隔山岳 世事兩茫茫

To My Retired Friend Wei     Du Fu
It is almost as hard for friends to meet
As for the morning and evening stars.(直接改成Three Stars (Shen) and Heart (Xin)嗎?)
Tonight then is a rare event,
Joining, in the candlelight,
Two men who were young not long ago
But now are turning grey at the temples.
To find that half our friends are dead
Shocks us, burns our hearts with grief.
We little guessed it would be twenty years
Before I could visit you again.
When I went away, you were still unmarried;
But now these boys and girls in a row
Are very kind to their father’s old friend.
They ask me where I have been on my journey;
And then, when we have talked awhile,
They bring and show me wines and dishes,
Spring chives cut in the night-rain
And brown rice cooked freshly a special way.
My host proclaims it a festival,
He urges me to drink ten cups
But what ten cups could make me as drunk
As I always am with your love in my heart?
Tomorrow the mountains will separate us;
After tomorrow-who can say?
« 最後編輯時間: 2009-03-21 17:37:55 由 karen » 已記錄
文章: 74

« 回覆文章 #35 於: 2009-03-21 17:32:47 »


Stars Involved in Poem
 In the "To My Retired Friend Wei", "It is almost as hard for friends to meet as for the morning and evening stars. " in relation to stars means two friends can hardly meet each other, like the Three Stars Mansion and the Shang Mansion never appear at the same time. The Three Stars Mension is the last mansion of the White Tiger of the West (Legs, Bond, Stomach, Hairy Head, Net, Turtle Beak and Three Stars) in the twenty-eight mansions, located in the Orion of 88 constellations, and it appears in winter's night. The Shang Mansion is namely the Heart Mansion, which is one of the Black Dragon of the East (Horn, Neck, Root, Room, Heart, Tail and Winnowing-basket) in the twenty-eight mansions, located in the Scorpio. The Orion appears in winter, and the Scorpio appears in summer. It seems that they hide themselves to avoid being seen by the other, one just raised in the east, the other one falls in the west hastily, they barely appear in the same night sky.
« 最後編輯時間: 2009-03-21 17:38:09 由 karen » 已記錄
文章: 74

« 回覆文章 #36 於: 2009-03-21 17:35:03 »

再來一首 Wink


Former Part of Chi Bi Fu     Shu Shi
In the autumn of the year of Ren Shu, July 16, my guest and I paddled a boat strolling at the foot of Chi Bi. It was breezing gently, and the water surface was waving slightly. I held up my drinking cup and persuaded the guest to drink together, reciting the verse of "Moonrise", chanting the chapter of "Yao Tiao". After a while, the moon rose up the mountain in the east, wandering between the Constellations Dou and Niu. White mist was covering the river surface, the water mixed with the light approaching to the sky. Let the boat drift freely, floating on the endless river. The boat traveled on the vast river as if driven by wind in the air, nobody knew where it was going to stop; on wings, like deviated from the earth as well, no worries, became an immortal flying up to heaven. 


Stars Involved in Poem
Part related to stars in the "Former Part of Chi Bi Fu": After a while, the moon rose up the mountain in the east, wandering between the Dipper Mansion and the Ox Mansion. The Dipper and Ox Mansions are two of the Black Tortoise of the North (Dipper, Ox, Girl, Emptiness, Rooftop, Encampment and Wall) in the twenty-eight mansions. The Dipper Mansion corresponds to current Centaurus of zodiacal signs, and the Ox Mansion is in the Capricornus, to the east of the Galaxy. 
« 最後編輯時間: 2009-03-21 17:37:36 由 karen » 已記錄
文章: 74

« 回覆文章 #37 於: 2009-03-21 17:40:05 »


秋夕   杜牧
銀燭秋光冷畫屏, 輕羅小扇撲流螢。
天階夜色涼如水, 臥看牽牛織女星。

In the Autumn Night  Du Mu   
Her candle-light is silvery on her chill bright screen.
Her little silk fan is for fireflies....
She lies watching her staircase cold in the moon,
and two stars parted by the River of Heaven.

【秋夕】 這首詩跟星星有關的部分是:天階夜色涼如水 ,臥看牽牛織女星。意思是指在秋天的夜晚仰望銀河兩岸的牛郎和織女星,別有一番滋味。牛郎星是夏秋兩季容易見到的天鷹座之主星,是全天第12亮的恒星,又名河鼓二,前後各有一顆星,像是他和織女的兩個孩子;織女星則位於天琴座,是一顆藍白色的零等星,為夏季最亮星,也是全天第5亮星,身邊有4顆星星排成一個平行四邊形,很容易辨認。

Stars Involved in Poem
Part related to stars in the "In the Autumn Night": She lies watching her staircase cold in the moon, and two stars parted by the River of Heaven. Meaning it is interesting to look up to the Altair and the Vega at both sides of the Milky Way in the autumn night. The Altair is the primary star of the Aquila can often be seen in summer and autumn, it is the twelfth brightest star in the sky, also known as He Gu Er in Chinese, two stars are in front of and behind it respectively, like two kids of Vega and him. The Vega is a pearl opal Zero Star located in the Lyra, it is the brightest star in summer, as well as the fifth brightest star in the sky, four stars forming a parallelogram around it, so it is easy to identify. 
文章: 74

« 回覆文章 #38 於: 2009-03-21 17:52:15 »


月夜   劉方平
更深月色半人家, 北斗闌干南斗斜。
今夜偏知春氣暖, 蟲聲新透綠窗紗。

A Moonlight Night  Liu Fangping
When the moon has colored half the house,
With the North Star at its height and the South Star setting,
I can fed the first motions of the warm air of spring
In the singing of an insect at my green-silk window.


Stars Involved in Poem
Part related to stars in the "A Moonlight Night": When the moon has colored half the house, with the North Star at its height and the South Star setting. Meaning in a midnight of spring, the moonlight illuminates half yard, the Big Dipper traverses and the Southern Dipper has settled. The Big Dipper refers to seven stars such as Dubhe, Merak, Phecda, Megrez, Alioth, Mizar and Alkaid, part of the Great Bear. These seven stars form a large bail based on which we can find out the North Star. The Southern Dipper refers to the six stars of the Southern Dipper, namely the Dipper mansion, and it forms a bail as the Big Dipper does, and located in the Centaurus on the ecliptic.
文章: 225

« 回覆文章 #39 於: 2009-03-22 01:00:02 »


Stars Involved in Poem
Part related to stars in the "Former Part of Chi Bi Fu": After a while, the moon rose up the mountain in the east, wandering between the Dipper Mansion and the Ox Mansion. The Dipper and Ox Mansions are two of the Black Tortoise of the North (Dipper, Ox, Girl, Emptiness, Rooftop, Encampment and Wall) in the twenty-eight mansions. The Dipper Mansion corresponds to current Centaurus of zodiacal signs, and the Ox Mansion is in the Capricornus, to the east of the Galaxy

Galaxy應改為Milky Way
文章: 225

« 回覆文章 #40 於: 2009-03-22 01:08:37 »

A Moonlight Night  Liu Fangping
When the moon has colored half the house,
With the North Star at its height and the South Star setting,
I can feel the first motions of the warm air of spring
In the singing of an insect at my green-silk window.


Stars Involved in Poem
Part related to stars in the "A Moonlight Night": When the moon has colored half the house, with the North Star at its height and the South Star setting. Meaning in a midnight of spring, the moonlight illuminates half yard, the Big Dipper traverses and the Southern Dipper has settled. The Big Dipper refers to seven stars such as Dubhe, Merak, Phecda, Megrez, Alioth, Mizar and Alkaid, part of Ursa Major (The Big Bear). These seven stars form a large bail based on which we can find out the North Star. The Southern Dipper refers to the six stars of the Southern Dipper, namely the Dipper mansion, and it forms a bail as the Big Dipper does, and located in the Sagittarius on the ecliptic.
文章: 225

« 回覆文章 #41 於: 2009-03-22 01:41:36 »

秋夕   杜牧
銀燭秋光冷畫屏, 輕羅小扇撲流螢。
天階夜色涼如水, 臥看牽牛織女星。

In the Autumn Night  Du Mu   
Her candle-light is silvery on her chill painted (or ornamental) screen.
Her little silk fan is pouncing for fireflies....
She lies watching her staircase cold in the night,
and two stars parted by the River of Heaven.

【秋夕】 這首詩跟星星有關的部分是:天階夜色涼如水 ,臥看牽牛織女星。意思是指在秋天的夜晚仰望銀河兩岸的牛郎和織女星,別有一番滋味。牛郎星是夏秋兩季容易見到的天鷹座之主星,是全天第12亮的恒星,又名河鼓二,前後各有一顆星,像是他和織女的兩個孩子;織女星則位於天琴座,是一顆藍白色的零等星,為夏季最亮星,也是全天第5亮星,身邊有4顆星星排成一個平行四邊形,很容易辨認。

Stars Involved in Poem
Part related to stars in the "In the Autumn Night": She lies watching her staircase cold in the night, and two stars parted by the River of Heaven. Meaning it is interesting to look up to Altair and Vega at both sides of the Milky Way in the autumn night. Altair is the primary star of Aquila ,which can often be seen in summer and autumn, it is the twelfth brightest star in the sky, also known as He Gu Er in Chinese, two stars are in front of and behind it respectively, like two kids of Vega and him. Vega is a pearl opal zero magnitude star located in Lyra.It is the brightest star in summer, as well as the fifth brightest star in the sky, four stars forming a parallelogram beneath , so it is easy to identify. 
« 最後編輯時間: 2009-03-22 01:44:06 由 jimhung999 » 已記錄
文章: 225

« 回覆文章 #42 於: 2009-03-22 02:11:17 »

Stars Involved in Poem
 In the "To My Retired Friend Wei", "It is almost as hard for friends to meet as for the morning and evening stars. " in relation to stars means two friends can hardly meet each other, like the Three Stars Mansion and the Shang asterism never appear at the same time. The Three Stars Mansion is the last mansion of the White Tiger of the West (Legs, Bond, Stomach, Hairy Head, Net, Turtle Beak and Three Stars) in the twenty-eight mansions, located in the Orion of 88 constellations, and it appears in winter's night. The Shang asterism is namely the Heart Mansion, which is one of the Azure Dragon of the East (Horn, Neck, Root, Room, Heart, Tail and Winnowing-basket) in the twenty-eight mansions, located in the Scorpio. The Orion appears in winter, and the Scorpio appears in summer. It seems that they hide themselves to avoid being seen by the other (or playing hide-and-seek), one just raised in the east, the other one falls in the west hastily, they barely appear in the same night sky.
文章: 225

« 回覆文章 #43 於: 2009-03-22 02:15:35 »

Former Part of Chi Bi Fu     Shu Shi
In the autumn of the year of Ren Shu, July 16, my guest and I paddled a boat strolling at the foot of Chi Bi. It was breezing gently, and the water surface was waving slightly. I held up my drinking cup and persuaded the guest to drink together, reciting the verse of "Moonrise", chanting the chapter of "Yao Tiao". After a while, the moon rose up the mountain in the east, wandering between the Mansions of Dou and Niu. White mist was covering the river surface, the water mixed with the light approaching to the sky. Let the boat drift freely, floating on the endless river. The boat traveled on the vast river as if driven by wind in the air, nobody knew where it was going to stop; on wings, like deviated from the earth as well, no worries, became an immortal flying up to heaven. 

文章: 74

« 回覆文章 #44 於: 2009-03-22 16:20:21 »

感激不盡~~ Grin
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