有兩家FLI feather touch
至於ROBO 沒有整個對焦座 考慮牛頓或馬卡對焦座強度要補強
FLI 看起來比較簡潔 不過轉接環似乎還要去訂做
feather touch似乎比較便宜 各種SIZE都有
http://www.flicamera.com/focusers/Atlas Large Payload Focuser
Maximum Payload: 25lbs
Payload at 6" Distance: 10lbs
Minimum Travel: 0.35"
Number of Steps: 105.000
Resolution per Step: 85 nm/step
Weight: 3lbs
PC Interface: USB 2.0
Mechanical Interface: Zero-Tilt Adapter
Compatibility: ASCOM Compatible, Auto-Focus Capable
U.S. Pricing: $2295

Precision Digital Focuser
Minimum Travel: 0.35"
Number of Steps: 7000
Resolution per Step: 1.25 micron
Clear Aperture: 89 mm
Weight: 2.4lbs
PC Interface: USB 2.0
Telescope Side Threads: 3.750"-24 UNS-2B
U.S. Pricing: $1450

DF-2 Specifications
Minimum Travel: 0.20"
Number of Steps: 2000
Resolution per Step: 2.50 micron
Clear Aperture: 50 mm
Weight: 2.0lbs
PC Interface: USB 2.0
Telescope Side Threads: 2.005"-24 UNS-2B
U.S. Pricing: $995

feather touch
MKIT20---Micro Touch Focusing System - 2 Piece Kit(hub/hand control and motor) for Control of 2.0", MPA Retrofits, and Micro Feather Touch® Focusers - WIRED -

FTF2015BCR-RP---Feather Touch® Rotatable 2.0" Diameter Rack/Pinion Dual Speed 1.5" Draw Tube Travel, Brake, and Compression Ring