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« 回覆文章 #90 於: 2013-11-26 23:41:10 » |
各位前輩 小弟手邊有一組 olivon 的 filters,只是剛入手,還不清處不同的濾鏡如何運用, 這組大陸的濾鏡的編號跟我在版上爬的都不一樣,因此貼出在網站上的說明如下, 請看得懂的大大幫忙釋疑,感恩。 Description Colour filters: #12, 21, 23a, 56, 82a, Polarized 3 and Crystal View Moon filter #12 YELLOW - 74%VLT Yellow filters help greatly in viewing Mars by bringing out the polar ice-caps, enhancing blue clouds in the atmosphere, increasing contrast, and brightening desert regions. Yellow also enhances red and orange features on Jupiter and Saturn and darkens the blue festoons near Jupiter's equator. #21 ORANGE - 46%VLT An orange filter helps increase contrast between light and dark areas, penetrates clouds, and assists in detecting dust storms on Mars. Orange also helps to bring out the Great Red Spot and sharpen contrast on Jupiter. #23A LIGHT RED - 25%VLT Light red filters help to make Mercury and Venus stand out from the blue sky when viewed during the day. Used in large telescopes, light red sharpens boundaries and increases contrast on Mars, sharpens belt contrast on Jupiter, and brings out surface detail on Saturn. #56 LIGHT GREEN - 53%VLT Light green enhances frost patches, surface fogs, and polar projections on Mars, the ring system on Saturn, belts on Jupiter and works as a great general purpose filter when viewing the Moon. #82A LIGHT BLUE - 73%VLT Light blue functions much the same as #80A Blue while maintaining overall image bright-ness. Light blue will also help to increase structure detail when lookingat galaxies. POLARIZING FILTER Olivon polarizing filters are a great way to enhance astronomical viewing. Compatible with any standard 1.25-inch-format eyepiece, Olivon polarizing filters help to bring out contrast and definition in astronomical objects.The polarizing filter reduces glare and is especially useful for viewing the moon. You'll enhance your viewing pleasure with Olivon's polarizing filters! CRYSTALVIEW: MOON & SKYGLOW FILTER Moon & skyglow filters feature improved blocking of mercury-vapor light and higher transmission at critical hydrogen-alpha and hydrogen-beta lines than competing filters. Bright, light-polluted skies appear much darker, and the contrast between object and sky is improved significantly.