win7 沒試過
這有寫 had problems using my old Philips TouCam Pro with Win7 since Philips does not offer any drivers for it. I read somewhere that you could hack some drivers but that sounded so complicated.
Here is a driver that works with the TouCam in Win7 (at least 32-bit) right out of the box. Just do like this:
Win7 32-bit procedure, see further down for the Win7 64-bit instructions
1. Download the driver package (click the drive icon under Téléchargement, which is french for download)
2. Unzip the files to a folder of your choice
3. Plug in your toucam, cancel the automatic driver installation window that pops up.
4. Open the Windows 7 Control panel, in the search field there, type ” device ” to find the device manager, open it.
5. Find your unrecognized device in the list, right-click on it and choose “update driver software”, “browse my computer for software” and browse to your folder where you unzipped the files. Click next, ignore the warning and the driver installs.