目前看起來只有少數上傳,我這兩天沒測試但是資料還在。看起來蘋果的app會送上myskyatnight, Android 會傳到globeatnight
我去他的 blog 留言提問了
There could be two reasons. First, it can take up to a day for the results to appear on the map. Second, on the map we only show observations that can be used for analyses. This means:
1) No sun or twilight
2) Moon below horizon
3) No clouds or other weather
4) Decisions on at least 7 stars
5) Observation is self-consistent, meaning that there is a clear difference between stars you can see and stars you cannot.
But you should always be able to see all of your observations by logging in with your registered email address.
I hope this helps!