應該說 巨蟹座55e 是其他望遠鏡 在2004年就發現的系外行星啦
ASTERIA 只是觀察他而已 不能用發現 這兩個字
ASTERIA 是已經退役的太空望遠鏡 口徑只有8.5公分 應該是最小的太空望遠鏡了吧?
之前最小的太空望遠鏡 是 加拿大的MOST 口徑15公分
MOST 之前也有偵測到巨蟹座55e喔
In 2011, MOST detected transits by exoplanet 55 Cancri e of its primary star, based on two weeks of nearly continuous photometric monitoring, confirming an earlier detection of this planet, and allowing investigations into the planet's composition. In 2019, MOST photometry was used to disprove claims of permanent starspots on the surface of HD 189733 A that were alleged to be caused by interactions between the magnetic fields of the star and its "hot Jupiter" exoplanet.[14]