目前所有已知小行星 危險等級都是0了
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Torino_scaleCurrently non-zero
Since 8 September 2015, there have been no objects rated at a Torino Scale level greater than zero.
(367789) 2011 AG5 was rated at Torino scale 1 from February 2011 to December 2012, for an impact on 5 February 2040.[36] It was downgraded thanks to observations collected in October 2012 with telescopes on Mauna Kea, Hawaii.
2007 VK184 was listed on the Near Earth Object Risk List with a Torino Scale of Level 1[41] from after its discovery in November 2007 until recovered in March 2014. With an observation arc of 60 days, it had about a 1 in 1800 chance of impacting Earth on 3 June 2048; the probability went to effectively zero when the 2014 recovery observations were taken into account. The asteroid is estimated to have a diameter of 130 meters (430 ft), and travels through space with a speed of 15.6 km/s relative to Earth.