NASA 送人 登月火箭 saturn V 曾最大的火箭. 發射後地球軌道會合 . 1級是 5顆F1 發動機. 但 NASA 以前考慮過 直接送人上月球 NOVA 火箭 , 比 Saturn V 更大台 第一級 8顆F1 發動機比“阿波罗”登月计划中的“土星5”号(Saturn V)运载火箭更强大
“新星”火箭比“土星5”号火箭更高,也比它更宽,可产生1200万磅的推力。“新星”火箭由德国著名火箭工程师沃纳·冯·布劳恩(Wernher von Braun)设计,该火箭被设计成了可将人类直接快速地发送到月球。而土星五号火箭只能将人类送入近地轨道,然后再利用地球引力加速进入地月转移轨道才能奔向月球。
Before NASA decided to launch Apollo on the Saturn V rocket, the agency considered a larger rocket called Nova. The necessary launch vehicle for the heavier Direct Ascent mission profile, this mind-blowingly large rocket was never built.
The Saturn V was massive. Standing 363 feet (110 meters) tall with a 33-foot (10 m) diameter, it delivered 7.5 million pounds (3.4 million kilograms) of thrust at the moment of launch.
This three-stage rocket had five F-1 engines in its first stage,
five J-2 engines powering its second stage, and
a single J-2 engine on its third stage.
Nova was conceived as both taller and wider than the Saturn V, and almost twice as powerful. Its first stage was powered by eight F-1 engines, each of which could deliver 1.5 million pounds (680,000 kg) of thrust — bringing the rocket’s total power to a whopping 12 million pounds (5.4 million kg) of thrust at launch.
The second stage was powered by four liquid-hydrogen M-1 engines that could produce an additional 4.8 million pounds (2.2 million kg) of thrust. The third and final stage was akin to the Saturn V’s — it had one J-2 engine, whose 200,000 pounds (90,000 kg) of thrust could send a heavy payload to the Moon.