神秘的伽马射线来源: psrj2039-5617天体中心的脉冲星
https://t.qianzhan.com/caijing/detail/210204-6a4ad58a.htmlAstronomers Discover Rare ‘Redback’ Millisecond Pulsar
http://www.sci-news.com/astronomy/redback-millisecond-pulsar-09321.html Using data from NASA’s Fermi Space Telescope and the enormous computing power of the citizen science project Einstein@Home, astronomers have found that PSR J2039-5617, a gamma-ray pulsar rotating 377 times a second, is in orbit with a stellar companion with a mass of about 0.15 solar masses.

https://www.edunews.net.cn/2020/kexue_0806/13584.html 从伽马射线毫秒脉冲星PSR J2039−5617检测到的无线电脉冲