拍得很讚! 可惜台北陰天,所以台北看不到。
但非常湊巧! 此次 ISS 經過台灣上空,剛好正在呼叫日本電台準備通話,
在下錄到前 2分鐘,之後因為 ISS 接近地平線,訊號減弱,而被香腸族的訊號淹沒。
本人使用10單元Yagi天線,AR3000A接收機,NFM 145.80MHz
( 5次呼叫之間的香腸族的干擾訊號,我把音量減低 30dB)以下為 ISS太空站呼叫之內容:
8J7A (日本電台呼號), This is NA1SS (ISS 電台呼號). How do you read me? (5次呼叫)
以下為 ISS太空站通話預報:
ISS 太空站 2011-10-15 週六 中原時 17:47 與日本通話
Amateur Radio Morioka Club, Morioka, Japan 日本岩手縣盛岡市 業餘無線電俱樂部
ISS 開始呼叫時,約在台灣東南邊天空,仰角約41度。
Upcoming ARISS Contact Schedule:
Amateur Radio Morioka Club, Morioka, Japan, direct via 8J7A
Contact is a go for: Sat 2011-10-15 09:47:11 UTC 74 deg
Participants will ask as many of the following questions as time allows:
1. Are all the stars of the same shape? Can you see the constellations from
the ISS? Do they look different from the earth?
2. Have you seen the shooting stars from the ISS? What do they look like?
3. From where do you get your food you eat on the ISS, and how?
4. Can't you use the felt tip pen? Why not? What kind of tools do you use
for writing?
5. How can you "swim" in the space?
6. Why is the universe so vast?
7. What is your most favorite planet? Besides the Earth, is there any other
place in the universe people can live in? What are the most necessary
things for people to survive?
8. Is it possible to predict earthquakes from the ISS?
9. Is it true that people don't age in the space?
10. Why don't space shuttles get burned while launching, whereas the
returning capsules get extremely hot when they come back to the
11. Have you ever quarreled with someone in the ISS?
12. What is the toughest challenge in the ISS or in the universe?
13. Why did the universe come into place?
14. What was your dream when you were a child?
15. What happens if you spill some water or drink in the ISS?
16. How you can hear the sound in the ISS or in the universe?
17. Can you have your hair cut in the ISS and how?
Information about the upcoming ARISS contacts can be found at
** 祝 大家觀測愉快!