火神號火箭將升空 was built by Pittsburgh-based company Astrobotic, will aim to become the first private spacecraft ever to touch down softly on the moon.
Peregrine is flying via NASA's Commercial Lunar Payload Services (CLPS) program, which aims to help pave the way for the agency's crewed Artemis moon landings
火神火箭 芯一级直径5.4米,采用两台蓝色起源公司BE-4液氧甲烷发动机,该发动机单台海平面推力约249吨。
首飞载荷为astrobotic公司“游隼号”月球着陆器,游隼号宽2.5米,高1.9米,将搭载激光反向反射器阵列,中子星光谱仪,磁力计等其科学仪器。 “游隼号”是自1972年阿波罗17号以来,首个尝试软着陆月球的美国航天器。