http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Chinese_astronomer_1675.jpg這張圖片曾被評選為2006年維基百科的年度圖片, 並付上疑似錯誤的文字描述:
in: Brian J. Ford (1993). Images of Science: A History of Scientific Illustration,
Oxford University Press. ISBN 0195209834
English: The caption there reads:
A priest-astronomer (神父-天文學家) in the Chinese tradition (中國傳統服飾). A European astronomer visited China and studied their ways. He was a Jesuit priest, Ferdinand Verbiest (南懷仁) , whose Chinese name was Nan Huai-Jen. The illustration includes contemporaneous (同期的) astronomical instruments, and was painted in 1675. British Museum, Department of Japanese Antiquities 1906-12-20-1311
實際上, 圖片描繪的並不是南懷仁, 而是水滸傳的人物, 智多星吳用. 為何牛津大學出版社會把這畫中人當作南懷仁? 這個絕對是一個謎!