為要安裝STV的RGB濾鏡作一些影像處理和除Calibration的一些bug,昨天做了一條RS232C Cable把STV的軔體重新灌到最新版V1.06H..整個家族全部排排站....持有舊版(1.02,1.04)的鄉親可自行重灌最新版本,在autoguide上會比較好用.
147-A Castilian Drive
Santa Barbara, CA 93117
ASTRONOMICAL Phone (805) 571-SBIG (571-7244) FAX (805) 571-1147
INSTRUMENTS e-mail:sbig@sbig.com home page:www.sbig.com
SBIG Application Note STV Version 1.06H Firmware February 5, 2003
This Application Note describes the changes made to the STV firmware since the Original Version 1.04
release. As always, use the STV Remote program to update the firmware in your STV. After updating
your firmware and rebooting your STV you should do the following:
Reset the Parameter RAM (PRAM) to the default by holding the Setup and Parameter keys
while powering-up the STV. The STV will beep once when the PRAM is initialized. It’s always
a good idea to initialize the PRAM when changing the firmware.
Erase all the images by using the ERASE ALL command in the File Ops menu. If there are any
images you want to keep, you need to download them BEFORE you update the firmware to
version 1.06H.
Finally, should you have any problems with this firmware update you can always reload the
Version 1.04 firmware, reinitialize the PRAM and erase all the images.
General Routines/Bug Fixes
Fixed a bug in the Temperature Display where a 2-degree per 25-degrees error was introduced.
The STV now matches the ST-237.
Fixed a bug in the Tracking routines where the Star Selection rectangle could sometimes
Removed a small integral gain term from the tracking loop that could have caused the system to
oscillate back and forth, especially in Dec, and may be the cause of users wanting to reduce the
Aggressiveness to very low settings.
Fixed a bug where if you tried to Track before you had a valid Calibration you would be warned
but then the STV would somewhat loose its brain and you had to cycle power to the STV.
Fixed a bug introduced in Version 1.05 (never released) that caused a big offset in Image Mode
with 2X gain.
Fixed a bug in the dark subtract routine that could leave pixels to the left and right of hot pixels
Added the ability to reuse dark frames in the Image mode by selecting “Reuse” for the “Dark
Sub.” Item. Darks will be reused if they have the same Zoom, Exposure and CCD Temperature
(within ± 1.5 degrees).
Added support for the CFW-5 Color Filter Wheel with the Addition of the “Filter Wheel” item in
the Setup menu. Requires STV Remote version 2.0 to recognize the filter names in the header.
Fixed a bug that would sometimes cause the Filter Wheel to not initialize on Power-Up.
Flash Routines
When showing the image catalog the image’s exposure time is shown on the second line of the
alphanumeric Vacuum Fluorescent Display (VFD).
Tracking Routines
Added a Track Box Size selection to the Manual Track mode with a new Small Track box
option. For short exposures this increases the track rate.
Sped up the tracking performance.
Added the time (since STV boot) to the Track Log report dumped out the Serial Port while
Added an Exposures to Average (“Exp. To Avg.”) item to the Manual Track mode that lets the
STV average 1 to 10 looks before making a correction.
Added a “Relays” item to the Manual Calibrate and Manual Track modes that allow enabling
and disabling each individual relay. Unfortunately due to Flash ROM space considerations the
interface is a little clunky. The item looks like:
where the 1101 indicates Relays 1, 2 and 4 are enabled and Relay 3 is disabled. You must use
the Calibrate -> Show Results mode to see which Relay(s) to disable where the arrows show the
motion caused by the individual relays. In the Auto Calibrate and Auto Track modes all relays
are enabled.
Added a “Max. Corr. (s)” item to the Track Menu that allows you to set the maximum relay
correction the STV will make per tracking cycle.