« 回覆文章 #45 於: 2009-03-22 22:33:32 » |
A Golden Treasury of Chinese Poetry 中詩英譯金庫 Translated by John Turner(唐安石神父) 聯經 民68 贈衛八處士 杜甫 Visiting an Old Friend -to the recluse Octavus Wei, eighth member of the Wei family 人生不相見 Unmeeting in this life we move 動如參與商 As stars alternate rise and set. 今夕復何夕 When shall a night like this night prove, 共此燈燭光 Where thus by candle-light we’re met? 少壯能幾時 How fleet is youth! 鬢髮各已蒼 Our brows now grey, 訪舊半為鬼 We talk of those whom we have known: For half of them are dead and gone. 驚呼熱中腸 And the chafed heart moans in dismay;
焉知二十載 Dear friend, some twenty years ago 重上君子堂 How strange all suddenly to see 昔別君未婚 Unwed when you took leave of me, 兒女忽成行 Your sons and daughters in a row! 怡然敬父執 Smiling they greet Papa’s comrade 問我來何方 And ask about my wanderings: 問答未及已 Then, ere my answers all are made, 驅兒羅酒漿 You bid them lay the table-things. 夜雨剪春韭 Spring leeks fresh cut in evening dew 新炊間黃梁 We taste, and steaming millet mess. 主稱會面難 “Such meetings,”cries my host, “are few 一舉累十觴 Ten flagons must we drink , no less!” 十觴亦不醉 Ten flagons-Ay, but sober still. 感子故意長 Thanks for your faithful courtesy. 明日隔山岳 Sundered by peaks unscalable, 世事兩茫茫 Tomorrow shall we strangers be.
贈衛八處士 杜甫 To My Retired Friend Wei Du Fu
人生不相見 It is almost as hard for friends to meet 動如參與商 As for the morning and evening stars. 今夕復何夕 Tonight then is a rare event, 共此燈燭光 Joining, in the candlelight,
少壯能幾時 Two men who were young not long ago 鬢髮各已蒼 But now are turning grey at the temples. 訪舊半為鬼 To find that half our friends are dead 驚呼熱中腸 Shocks us, burns our hearts with grief.
焉知二十載 We little guessed it would be twenty years 重上君子堂 Before I could visit you again. 昔別君未婚 When I went away, you were still unmarried; 兒女忽成行 But now these boys and girls in a row
怡然敬父執 Are very kind to their father’s old friend. 問我來何方 They ask me where I have been on my journey; 問答未及已 And then, when we have talked awhile, 驅兒羅酒漿 They bring and show me wines and dishes,
夜雨剪春韭 Spring chives cut in the night-rain 新炊間黃梁 And brown rice cooked freshly a special way. 主稱會面難 My host proclaims it a festival, 一舉累十觴 He urges me to drink ten cups
十觴亦不醉 But what ten cups could make me as drunk 感子故意長 As I always am with your love in my heart? 明日隔山岳 Tomorrow the mountains will separate us; 世事兩茫茫 After tomorrow-who can say?
« 最後編輯時間: 2009-03-22 22:35:55 由 jimhung999 »
文章: 74
« 回覆文章 #46 於: 2009-03-24 12:25:54 » |
感謝Fongshou and Jimhung兄;D
這兒還有一段 可以請各位給個意見嗎 阿哩嘎多
1.1930年, 國際天文聯合會確定了全天星座的數目, 請問全天共有幾個星座? 12個 28個 82個 88個
1.In 1930, The International Astronomical Union defined the numbers of constellation in the sky. How many constellations are there in the sky? 12 28 82 88
2.星空中, 全天最亮的恆星是? 大角 織女 北落師門 天狼星 2.Which one is the most brightest star in the sky? Arcturus Vega Fomalhaut Sirius
3.2006年8月24日, 國際天文聯合會決議將冥王星從九大行星中除名, 並將他歸為 小行星 矮行星 彗星 暗行星 3.On August 24, 2006, the International Astronomical Union (IAU) formally downgraded Pluto from an official planet to a . Asteroid Dwarf Planet Comet Dark Planet
4.光年是屬於何種單位? 時間 距離 亮度 速度 4.A light-year is a unit of . time distance brightness speed 5.八大行星中,距離地球最近的是? 水星 火星 金星 木星
5.Which planet orbits in our solar system nearest to earth? Mercury Mars Venus Saturn
6.在地球上,不可能觀測到下列那一顆行星凌日的現象? 水星 金星 火星 以上皆可 6.Which planet can’t we find out the “Transit” situation on Earth? Mercury Venus Mars All yes in above
7.目前人類到達最遠的星球是? 月亮 金星 火星 太陽
7.Which planet is the most far from Earth that human reach? Moon Venus Mars Solar 8.反射式望遠鏡的主鏡是一個? 凸透鏡 凹透鏡 凹面鏡 平面鏡
8.What’s the major part of the Reflecting Telescope? A convex lens A concave lens A concave mirror A convex mirror
9.月球的盈虧現象和下列何者無關? 月球本身不會發光 月球繞地球公轉 月球會自轉 月球反射了太陽光
9.Which one is not the relative issue within the status of Moon? The Moon can’t light by itself The Moon revolution around the Solar The Moon can rotate by itself The Moon reflect the light from the Solar
另 用滑鼠拖曳正確答案到方框內可以怎麼翻?
« 最後編輯時間: 2009-03-24 12:28:13 由 karen »
« 回覆文章 #47 於: 2009-03-24 13:07:43 » |
Please drop the right answer into block. 
« 回覆文章 #48 於: 2009-03-24 14:42:10 » |
Please drop the right answer into block.  Please drag the right answer into block
« 回覆文章 #49 於: 2009-03-24 15:05:57 » |
1.In 1930, The International Astronomical Union confined the numbers of constellation in the sky. How many constellations are there in the sky? 12 28 82 88
2.Which one is the brightest star in the sky? Arcturus Vega Fomalhaut Sirius
5.八大行星中,距離地球最近的是? 水星 火星 金星 木星
5.Which planet in our solar system has the closest orbit from Earth? Mercury Mars Venus Saturn
6.在地球上,不可能觀測到下列那一顆行星凌日的現象? 水星 金星 火星 以上皆可 6.Which planet can’t be seen the “Transit”phenomenon from Earth? Mercury Venus Mars All yes in above
7.Which planet is the most distant from Earth that human reach? Moon Venus Mars Solar 8.反射式望遠鏡的主鏡是一個? 凸透鏡 凹透鏡 凹面鏡 平面鏡
8.What’s the primary of a reflecting Telescope? A convex lens A concave lens A concave mirror A convex mirror
9.月球的盈虧現象和下列何者無關? 月球本身不會發光 月球繞地球公轉 月球會自轉 月球反射了太陽光
9.Which one is not relevent with the phases (change) of Moon? The Moon can’t shine by itself The Moon revolve around the Earth The Moon can rotate by itself The Moon reflect the light from the Sun
« 最後編輯時間: 2009-03-24 16:35:20 由 jimhung999 »
文章: 74
« 回覆文章 #50 於: 2009-03-24 17:05:56 » |
多謝二位 感激不盡~
« 回覆文章 #51 於: 2009-03-24 20:03:37 » |
Please drop the right answer into block.  Please drag the right answer into block ㄏㄏ 意思差了十萬八千里 真是不好意思
文章: 74
« 回覆文章 #52 於: 2009-03-29 12:16:23 » |
再請教一下 胎內星祭 in English TKS
« 回覆文章 #54 於: 2009-03-29 17:49:05 » |
文章: 74
« 回覆文章 #55 於: 2009-03-30 23:25:11 » |
« 回覆文章 #57 於: 2009-04-03 14:56:14 » |
« 回覆文章 #58 於: 2009-04-04 00:21:33 » |
這個網站看起來內容真的是相當豐富喔! 廖老師了不起 
« 回覆文章 #59 於: 2009-04-04 08:56:03 » |
翻的很好, 親子觀星會那篇可以偷偷拿來用嗎