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http://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%86%8D%E5%8F%91%E6%96%B0%E6%98%9FT Pyx 也有資料
根據最新AAVSO快報如下:目前這顆再發新星已經達8等,按此趨勢,預測這顆新星5/20可能可達6.4等,這顆星可觀測期一直到7月底為止, 或許屆時會成為肉眼可見的新星,有興趣者盡快觀測啊~~可恨臺北一直在下雨.....
張桂蘭 Kuei-Lan Chang
臺北市立天文科學教育館 Taipei Astronomical Museum
臺北市士林區基河路363號 No. 363, Kee-Ho Rd., Shi-Lin, Taipei, Taiwan
TEL: 02-28314551 # 302
aavso@aavso.org [mailto:aavso@aavso.org]
Sent: Saturday, April 16, 2011 8:27 AM
idpt441@tpts1.seed.net.twSubject: AAVSO Alert Notice 437: Campaign to monitor T Pyx throughout 2011
AAVSO Alert Notice 437
Campaign to monitor T Pyx throughout 2011 eruption April 15, 2011
Further to AAVSO Alert Notice 436
http://www.aavso.org/aavso-alert-notice-436), a fast photometry observing campaign has been initiated by Dr. Bradley Schaefer (Louisiana State University) to monitor the recurrent nova T Pyxidis throughout its current eruption.
Brief summary of eruption: The recurrent nova T Pyx was discovered in outburst by M. Linnolt (Hawaii, United States) at visual magnitude 13.0 on 2011 April 14.2931 (JD 2455665.7931), and confirmed by A. Plummer (Linden, NSW, Australia) at visual magnitude 12.2 on April 14.3847 (JD 2455665.8847) and S. Kerr (Glenlee, QLD, Australia) at visual magnitude 11.3 on April 14.4410 (JD 2455665.9410). This is the first outburst of T Pyx since December 7, 1966, nearly 45 years ago. As of April 15.6271 (JD 2455667.12708), it had brightened to visual magnitude 8.3 (A. Pearce, Nedlands, WA, Australia). If it behaves as in past eruptions, it can be expected to brighten to magnitude 6. All observations -- visual, CCD, and PEP observations, and CCD time series -- are encouraged.
Campaign: Full details of the campaign may be found on the T Pyx campaign information page (
http://www.aavso.org/campaign-monitor-recurrent-nova-t-pyx-throughout-2011-eruption). The following is a description of the campaign summarized from that page:
"The goal is be to get nearly-fulltime coverage of T Pyx with time resolution of minutes throughout the entire eruption up until T Pyx is lost
behind the Sun around the start of August. This will require many observers, widely spaced around the world, each taking long runs of CCD images. The eruption takes roughly 9 months to go back to quiescence, but we will only go from now until the end of July (3.5
months) when T Pyx is lost behind the Sun.
"...V filter is preferred for CCD observations, with second choice being B filter, third choice R, and last choice unfiltered. (T Pyx should be
magnitude 6-10 over this whole time interval, so a filter will help against saturation.) To make for a uniform magnitude scale by everyone, please use the following comparison stars:
COMPARISON: AAVSO="93" HD77862 09:04:09.4 -32:11:16 B=9.85,V=9.31
COMP2: AAVSO="69" HD77645 09:02:51.8 -32:26:24 B=6.90,V=6.93
COMP3: AAVSO="115" CD-31o6884 09:04:43.8 -32:24:47 B=12.12,V=11.52
Variable star (do not use):
AAVSO="84" HD77938 09:04:29.5 -32:26:54 B=9.49, V=8.44
Please use the COMPARISON star (AAVSO="93") for all the differential photometry as it will have nearly the same colors as T Pyx. Use the other backup comparison stars only if you have troubles with field size, saturation, or SNR problems. With the bright stars and differential photometry, T Pyx can be followed down low on the horizon.
"T Pyx is only one of ten known recurrent novae in our own Milky Way galaxy. It has erupted in 1890, 1902, 1920, 1944, and 1967...we...are not missing any eruptions in this time interval...Judging from the 1967 eruption light curve, the current eruption light curve will stall out of its rise at around V=8 around 15 April, slowly rise to a peak near V=6.4 around 20 May, slowly fade to V=10 by middle August, then have a sudden drop by two magnitudes over the next 20 days (with drop being invisible due to the Sun)...
"Recurrent novae...are one of the best candidate systems for being the progenitor of Type Ia supernova. This progenitor problem is a long standing sore mystery...Indeed, in last year's Decadal Survey, the National Academy of Sciences identified the progenitor problem one of the four most important problems in all astronomy...T Pyx...[is] the lynchpin of many arguments and discussions for the progenitor problem. The work on this eruption will largely be aimed at testing whether T Pyx will become a Type Ia supernova.
"...Only one nova has large amounts of fast photometry...the recurrent nova U Sco, which erupted in 2010. For this, I organized a large worldwide collaboration of (mostly amateur) observers, and we measured 37,000 magnitudes..With this awesome data set, we discovered two completely new phenomena...who knows what more will be discovered for the second very-well-observed nova.
"I envision a repeat of the wildly successful U Sco worldwide collaboration of astronomers, so that we can get very detailed light curves of T Pyx and all its expected-complicated variations throughout the eruption. The goal is to follow all the big and subtle variations in exquisite detail so that we can understand their causes...All contributing observers will be included as authors of the resulting papers..."
Coordinates: RA 09 04 41.5 , Dec -32 22 47.4 (J2000.0)
Charts for T Pyx may be plotted using the AAVSO's Variable Star Plotter:
http://www.aavso.org/vspPlease use the current chart which has the most up-to-date comparison star magnitudes.
Please promptly submit all observations to the AAVSO International Database using the name "T PYX".
Thank you in advance for your participation in this very exciting campaign and for your contributions to this fundamental research!
This AAVSO Alert Notice was compiled by Elizabeth O. Waagen.
於 2011/4/15 下午 02:23, KL Chang 提到:
觀測資料請寄到aavso@aavso.org,郵件標題請寫T PYX
張桂蘭 Kuei-Lan Chang
臺北市立天文科學教育館 Taipei Astronomical Museum
臺北市士林區基河路363號 No. 363, Kee-Ho Rd., Shi-Lin, Taipei, Taiwan
TEL: 02-28314551 # 302
kl@tam.gov.tw URL:
http://www.tam.gov.tw ------- 原始郵件 -------
主旨: FW: AAVSO Alert Notice 436: Outburst of the recurrent nova T Pyxidis
日期: Fri, 15 Apr 2011 01:33:48 +0800
-----Original Message-----
aavso@aavso.org [mailto:aavso@aavso.org]
Sent: Thursday, April 14, 2011 7:31 PM
Subject: AAVSO Alert Notice 436: Outburst of the recurrent nova T Pyxidis
AAVSO Alert Notice 436
Outburst of the recurrent nova T Pyxidis April 14, 2011
The recurrent nova T Pyxidis has been discovered in outburst. It was
detected by M. Linnolt (Hawaii, United States) at a visual magnitude of 13.0
on 2011 April 14.2931 (JD 2455665.7931), and confirmed by A.
Plummer (m(vis)=12.2, JD 2455665.8847) and S. Kerr (m(vis)=11.3, JD 2455665.
9410). This is the first outburst of T Pyx since December 7, 1966, nearly
45 years. Observations of this rare outburster are urgently requested,
beginning immediately.
All observations -- visual, CCD, and PEP observations, and CCD time series
-- are encouraged. CCD observers are asked to use filters for single
observations. Unfiltered CCD time series are also acceptable during the
early stages of the outburst. Instrumental observers should attempt to
reach S/N of at least 50 while the source is bright, and continue to obtain
good signal to noise later in the outburst.
T Pyx is located at the following (J2000) coordinates:
RA: 09 04 41.5 , Dec: -32 22 47.4
Charts for T Pyx may be plotted using the AAVSO's VSP
http://www.aavso.org/vsp Please use the current chart which has the most up-to-date comparison star
Please promptly submit all observations to the AAVSO using the name
"T PYX".
Congratulations to Michael Linnolt for his discovery!
This AAVSO Alert Notice was prepared by Matthew Templeton.
Information on submitting observations to the AAVSO may be found at:
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