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[觀測通知】Nova in Scorpius(新星在天蝎座)
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作者 主題: [觀測通知】Nova in Scorpius(新星在天蝎座)  (閱讀 7028 次)
文章: 2924

« 於: 2011-09-11 20:36:13 »

剛剛收到AAVSO通知新發現的觀測通知 是由兩個個人觀測者發現 (位於澳洲與日本)

AAVSO Alert Notice 447

Nova Sco 2011 No. 2 = PNV J16364440-4132340 = PNV J16364300-4132460
September 11, 2011

Event: Nova in Scorpius

Nova Sco 2011 No. 2 = PNV J16364440-4132340 = PNV J16364300-4132460

Discovered Independently by:
- John Seach (Chatsworth Island, NSW, Australia)
- Yuji Nakamura (Kameyama, Mie, Japan)

Discovery Date:
- Seach: 2011 Sep. 06.37 UT (JD 2455810.87)
- Nakamura: 2011 Sep. 06.4313 (JD 2455810.9313)

Discovery Magnitude:
- Seach: 9.8 (DSLR and 50mm f/1.2 lens and 5 second exposure
- Nakamura: 9.7 C (CCD camera + f.l.135-mm lens)

- Seach:    RA 16 36 43    Dec -41 32 46 (2000.0)
- Nakamura: RA 16 36 44.4  Dec -41 32 34 (2000.0)

Spectra: Low resolution spectra obtained by A. Arai, T. Kajikawa,
and C. Naka (Kyoto Sangyo University) on 2011 Sep. 7.42 UT using
the Araki telescope at Koyama Astronomical Observatory suggest that
the object is highly reddened Fe II-type classical nova. Spectra
by F. Walter (Stony Brook University) and J. Seron (Cerro Tololo
Interamerican Observatory) obtained Sep. 2011 8.091 UT using the
SMARTS/CTIO 1.5-m reflector (+RC spectrograph) confirm the object
is a young galactic nova; they report the spectra are reminiscent
of an early recurrent nova.

Observations reported to the AAVSO:
Sep. 06.37 UT, 9.8 (John Seach, Chatsworth Island, NSW, Australia);
06.4313, 9.7 C (Y. Nakamura, Kameyama, Mie, Japan; via CBET 2813);
07.46, 10.51 V, 9.48 Rc, 8.62 Ic (H. Maehara, Kwasan Observatory,
Kyoto University, Japan, CBET 2813);
07.48, 10.52 V +-/0.05 (Steve James, Queanbeyan, NSW, Australia);
07.50, 9.1 R-Bessel (Ernesto Guido, Nick Howes, and Giovanni
Sostero, remotely through the "Faulkes Telescope South);
07.50736, 10.437 V +/-0.001 (Peter Lake, Wonga Park, Victoria, Australia);
07.50947, 10.398 V +/-0.001 (Lake);
07.51156, 10.413 V +/-0.001 (Lake);
07.51370, 10.416 V +/-0.001 (Lake);
07.51579, 10.384 V +/-0.001 (Lake);
07.5256-.5288, 11.88B, 10.73V, 9.75Rc, and 8.77Ic (Seiichiro Kiyota,
Tsukuba, Japan, using Officer, Australia(Global-rent-a-scope; via
CBET 2813);
07.545, 10.6 (Rod Stubbings, Tetoora Park, Victoria, Australia);
08.392, 11.0 (Stubbings);
08.4611    10.7 unfiltered DSLR, green channel (R. Kaufman, Bright,
Victoria, Australia);
09.406, 10.3 (T. Noguchi, Chiba-ken, Japan, via S. Nakano, CBET 2813);

Charts: Finder charts for Nova Sco 2011 No. 2 (AUID 000-BKD-647) may be
plotted by entering the name or the coordinates above into VSP:

Reporting Observations: Please report all observations to the AAVSO
International Database as NOVA SCO 2011 NO. 2 or N SCO 2011 NO. 2.
Be sure to include all spaces exactly as shown in the names.

a. Initially announced in AAVSO Special Notice #251 (Matthew
Templeton) and IAU Central Bureau Electronic Telegram 2813 (Daniel
W. E. Green, ed.).

b. Posted on the IAU Central Bureau for Astronomical Telegrams
Transient Object Confirmation Page (TOCP) as PNV J16364440-4132340
(Nakamura) and PNV J16364300-4132460 (Seach). Identifications
consolidated in VSX under PNV J16364440-4132340.

c. Seach reports that nothing is visible at the location of the
nova on an image taken 2011 Sep. 5.36 UT. Nakamura reports that
nothing is visible down to magnitude 12.0 on an image taken 2011
Aug. 29.451 UT.

d. T. Noguchi (Chiba-ken, Japan) provides position end figures
44.26s, 37.4". S. Kiyota (Tsukuba, Japan) provides
position end figures 44.28s, 37.6".

e. Images by S. Kiyota are posted at URL

f. Guido et al. report a USNO-B1.0-catalogue star with R=15.08
within 0.06" of the nova. Their comparison animation with a 1997
red Digitized Sky Survey (DSS) plate is at URL

g. Paul Camilleri (New Castle, NSW, Australia) and Steven Williams
(Sydney, NSW) report their images with red, blue, and green filters
obtained remotely (no date) at Grove Creek/Skylive Observatory,
Trunkey Creek, NSW, using a 0.35m f/6 reflector yield position end
figures 44.28s, 37.7" and red mag 9.7 for the nova. They also report
a 14-15 magnitude star visible on 1.2-m U.K. Schmidt Telescope
plates with position end figures 44.29s, 37.6" from DSS images
(mag 14.3 on an infrared plate taken on 1980 May 5.63; mag 15.2 on
a red IIIa-F plate + OG590 filter on 1997 Apr. 30.64).

h. Material in this Alert Notice not sent directly to the AAVSO is
from CBET 2813.

Congratulations to John Seach and Yuji Nakamura on their independent

This AAVSO Alert Notice was compiled by Elizabeth O. Waagen.
« 最後編輯時間: 2011-09-11 20:41:55 由 jacksonlu » 已記錄

文章: 49864

« 回覆文章 #1 於: 2011-09-13 10:37:55 »

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