*.說太多Canon鏡了...原欲廉讓的Nikon的銘鏡: nikkor 300mmF4 (75mm口徑)AF ED鏡(買不起F2.8大砲鏡,另外的最佳選擇),品像極新!剛上網看過二手價,都在二萬四以上(300mm F4.5品像好些的也在二萬以上),老貓這是兩萬以下的價格了.拍彗星彗尾,離子尾等極為推薦!
好東西都忘了再推! 如有CANON數位單眼也可以經市面發售的nikon/canon轉換接環安裝nikon的好鏡!
NIKKOR 300mmF4 AF新品價,在博愛路也貴到3萬五千以上囉...
*NIKKOR 300mm 拍彗星的影像,星場非常漂亮,可參閱.德國天文同好所拍... Comet 17P/ Holmes near the star Algol. 88 arcmin lenght x 74 arcmin breath is now the expansion of 17P/ Holmes. Despite the enormous widness of nearly 7,2 x 6,1 million kilometers the comet can be observed in dark areas surprisingly effordless with the naked eye. But near big towns the objekt gets really hard to observe. (estimated brightness 4,2 mag*). 9.1.08, Nikon 300mm, f4 ( 480 mm dig), Exp 2x 110 sec, ASA 800 Canon 20D,
撮影日時 1996/03/26 26:01:30-26:11:30 (10分)
カメラ Nikon New FM2
レンズ Nikkor 300mm F4 (F4)
フィルム Fujichrom PROVIA 1600 (P-2)
追尾 TS EM-10 + 65mm屈折追蹤 + Vixen GA-4 (彗星核で追尾)
撮影地 福島県西郷村