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« 回覆文章 #60 於: 2010-10-12 11:44:27 » |
This is the jupitor last night . It's a failure . Only a bright big cell , no details , no color . I use the same web cam to shoot it . I tried to reduce the brightness( offset , gain / exposure) but the result is not so much difference . I even tried to use 2X Barlow to make it more dimmer . But samely not so effective . This picture is captured by 2X barlow .
The foucsing may not be so good as well . I think if using some focusing technique( fish-bone etc.. ) , the image can be revealled some of the jupitor details . However, my main concern at first is that " how come the disc is so bright ?" "and why my webcam cannot make it dimmer ?" Even though I can focus it perfectly , I think the only difference is that there is a little hits of jupitor lines , but the disc is also white in color , so bright samely .
The same setup to shoot the moon surface is no problem . But the jupitor failed . I guess the web cam is not suitable to use in taking Jupitor image . Because Jupitor is much more brighter than moon surface counted from the same area of lighting . That's why we need to use those sepcific webcam , or astro webcam in taking the planets image . But my one is just a ordinary one . But anyway , that is a good test this time .
Better note it down .. .
峰迥路转 : 人皆寻萝 萝里迥转吉凶 片刻春风得意 未知景物朦胧 人生如萝 萝里不分西东 寻乐不甚苦困 未识苦与乐同 他朝醒觉梧桐 是否夸凤成龙
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« 回覆文章 #61 於: 2010-10-12 23:07:03 » |
Tonight very exciting !!! I use the DSI . And catch up the JUPITER for my first time successfully , HA HA HA !!
It's the DSI-I . Last night I use my ordinary webcam but failed . And tonight I tried again the attempt using the DSI indeed . And when I set the exposure to a very low value ( 0.0085s) , I can see some hits of Jupiter details . Last night my webcam cannot reduce the brightness to such a low value , But DSI CAN do it !! And very good indeed .
Then , of course . I take so many images , about 1600 images . And stack all of them in Registax . Half of the images can be combined sucessfully .
And got this beautiful picture that I had never got one before , Ha ha ha !!
峰迥路转 : 人皆寻萝 萝里迥转吉凶 片刻春风得意 未知景物朦胧 人生如萝 萝里不分西东 寻乐不甚苦困 未识苦与乐同 他朝醒觉梧桐 是否夸凤成龙
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« 回覆文章 #62 於: 2010-10-14 12:56:14 » |
This is the 3X barlow Jupiter last night . At the beginning , I tested to cmbine 2X and 3 X ( total 6X) , but the image is very bad . So finally I choose the 3X , which is still ok . . . But seems already reach the limitation of the scope .
2ndly, this time I combine using IRIS and Registax for those 1387 flames . Because I can only stack 150 flames in Registax , cause the image shifting is too big . As I check the shifting statistic in IRIS , over 150 pixels shifting in average speaking among those 1300 flames . Those , Registax seems cannot handle this situation . Thus , I use IRIS to do aligment first , because IRIS can be controlled much more ( more primitive ) , such that ALL those flames can be alighted proerply even such a big drifting . And then I combine ALL of them in Registax ( by converting to FITS format from PIC format , which can be supported by Registax ) and do some finaly adjustement in Registax .
峰迥路转 : 人皆寻萝 萝里迥转吉凶 片刻春风得意 未知景物朦胧 人生如萝 萝里不分西东 寻乐不甚苦困 未识苦与乐同 他朝醒觉梧桐 是否夸凤成龙
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« 回覆文章 #63 於: 2010-10-14 19:16:34 » |
Once again process by IRIS only . Aligntment , stacking and final image turning . 1528 Flames can be successfully stacked .
峰迥路转 : 人皆寻萝 萝里迥转吉凶 片刻春风得意 未知景物朦胧 人生如萝 萝里不分西东 寻乐不甚苦困 未识苦与乐同 他朝醒觉梧桐 是否夸凤成龙
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« 回覆文章 #64 於: 2010-10-16 13:15:12 » |
I make a Hartmann mask this morning and try to learn this focusing technique . Because I want to see if there is any big difference on the final image being affacted by focus matter . Very advance method indeed invented by Mr.Hartmann ! Very sharp raw image I can get ! Before , I was not concernning too much on the focus matter actaully . This photo is the best I ever did so far on the territorial plants .
2ndly, This time I want to try more number of photos , over several hundreds I want to see . Stacked 282 DSI pictures for testing . And do processing in Registax . I found the fact that : when I stack more , the better photo is . And I can retrive more details by stacking more .
峰迥路转 : 人皆寻萝 萝里迥转吉凶 片刻春风得意 未知景物朦胧 人生如萝 萝里不分西东 寻乐不甚苦困 未识苦与乐同 他朝醒觉梧桐 是否夸凤成龙
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« 回覆文章 #65 於: 2010-10-21 12:54:47 » |
当初不敢建大点的天文台,就是考虑到在天台高处遇颱風时会很危险 !或遭强风破坏,那不比在平地上建。始终这是自制的东西,不比购买的合乎规格的东西,心里或多或小总会有点不踏实的感觉。
君子不立危墙马,上智不处危以'尧'幸。换现代话,就是说凡事难于开始时下的一个决定,难于开始的估计判断。我并不是什么上智,但我在一开始的确是以安全为第一考虑点,才做这个合适尺寸的天文台来的。上次年中时也打过一次台风,还好没事。但这次可完全不同,绝不轻视之 !
这一关能不能‘门马’过,就只能听天由命了。。 。 现在我想先把话说在前,我一向都喜欢先说后做,看能不能实现所说的话。而不是先做后说,等做到了才说。如果这回真的不幸避不过这关,过了这次颱風而未见我更新任何论坛上自己的文章的话,那么也就是说我的天文台已遭到破坏/不幸了,而本人撤退业余天文界的时间也同样的到临。
祝各位来自各地的天文同好,身体健康 ! Clear skys .
MANDII 2010/10/21
峰迥路转 : 人皆寻萝 萝里迥转吉凶 片刻春风得意 未知景物朦胧 人生如萝 萝里不分西东 寻乐不甚苦困 未识苦与乐同 他朝醒觉梧桐 是否夸凤成龙
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« 回覆文章 #66 於: 2010-10-21 15:43:01 » |
US Astronomy Today :
Dear All people around the every corner of the world ,
Today is October 21,2010 . I come to say one very bad news on my astronomy observation notes . I observe a typhoon is comming this time , Ha Ha ! Not really kidding .
The strongest Typhoon “鮎魚” / " FISH" that HK ever had one in history , is comming soon this weekend .China National Observatory say that it is a super typhoon which would probably comes every 200 years for one time .And I check some US weather forecast also revealled that it is quite possibible to hit Hong kong city DIRECTLY .For the time being , it's still hard to judge anything about how much impact can cause by this time's disaster .
Frankly speaking , I am feeling a bit worried right now .. . My Observatory was completely built on 31 October of Astronomy Year 2009 . Within one more week time , It will be used for 1 FULL year of time .
If my observatory cannot come over this typhoon , I will definitely quit astronomy hobby at the same time .And I will not update this thread anymore in future . In reverse words , if you can't see any update of this thread after this weekend , it would mean my observatory had been destroyed by the so called 'FISH' typhoon this time .
Old chinese word always says the truth , A clever man never ride his horse near a danger wall . A wiser would never take it easy and pay no attention on a real danger that may comes in underground .I am definitely not a wiser , however, I did think 3 times before doing it , when considering the size of the observatory in accounting to the strong wind affaction , at the beginning of my design stage of the building .
And now the testing time comes ! And even it comes so strongly and fiercely this time for the testing .. .
Take care everybody .
MANDII 2010/10/21
峰迥路转 : 人皆寻萝 萝里迥转吉凶 片刻春风得意 未知景物朦胧 人生如萝 萝里不分西东 寻乐不甚苦困 未识苦与乐同 他朝醒觉梧桐 是否夸凤成龙
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« 回覆文章 #67 於: 2010-10-21 16:01:19 » |
当初不敢建大点的天文台,就是考虑到在天台高处遇颱風时会很危险 !或遭强风破坏,那不比在平地上建。始终这是自制的东西,不比购买的合乎规格的东西,心里或多或小总会有点不踏实的感觉。
君子不立危墙马,上智不处危以'尧'幸。换现代话,就是说凡事难于开始时下的一个决定,难于开始的估计判断。我并不是什么上智,但我在一开始的确是以安全为第一考虑点,才做这个合适尺寸的天文台来的。上次年中时也打过一次台风,还好没事。但这次可完全不同,绝不轻视之 !
这一关能不能‘门马’过,就只能听天由命了。。 。 现在我想先把话说在前,我一向都喜欢先说后做,看能不能实现所说的话。而不是先做后说,等做到了才说。如果这回真的不幸避不过这关,过了这次颱風而未见我更新任何论坛上自己的文章的话,那么也就是说我的天文台已遭到破坏/不幸了,而本人撤退业余天文界的时间也同样的到临。
祝各位来自各地的天文同好,身体健康 ! Clear skys .
MANDII 2010/10/21
這個颱風結構扎實,外圍環流結合鋒面已經讓台灣的宜蘭某些地方3個小時降下超過250mm的雨量,進而宜蘭縣已經宣布全縣停工停課 也讓台灣北部下了1個星期的雨了 看來颱風的暴風半徑會掃過香港 還請MandII兄多加保重
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« 回覆文章 #68 於: 2010-10-21 16:27:30 » |
Mandii 大佬,香港颱風一樣多,下次考慮建成金字塔型,就無有怕了,看埃及的金字塔屹立數千年。
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« 回覆文章 #69 於: 2010-10-21 16:57:01 » |
谢谢大家的提醒和意见 ![Grin](// 。 你们也是,多加注意,我也是经常听说台湾台风多。
峰迥路转 : 人皆寻萝 萝里迥转吉凶 片刻春风得意 未知景物朦胧 人生如萝 萝里不分西东 寻乐不甚苦困 未识苦与乐同 他朝醒觉梧桐 是否夸凤成龙
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« 回覆文章 #70 於: 2010-10-23 10:59:19 » |
No.8 )
Dear Joe ,
I see . Thanks for your care
So the wind last night had passed and left . I had found a chance to take a moon photo last night . It's the Mare Imbrium , a large oceanic area on the moon . You can check several apparent areas as well from the moon map I provided , I had bold it in Red blocks .
The FOV of this picture ( DSI plus 2X barlow ) this time is about 12" , according to the indication on the moon map software . Starting from now, I can use this software to physically measure the FOV of any telescope imaging system . And I can even measure the distance between two points on the moon directly . In the old time , I can only calculate ( i.e. estimate ) the FOV , but now I can measure it directly and PHYSICALLY with the help of the actual moon crators , this is very important to me .
I am not using a web cam this time indeed . 282 flames is collected in about 5 minutes from DSI . Comparing to webcam , Just several second can be collected for such number of flames in a video format . The shorter the time , the less the requirement from the mount's tracking . So DSI surely can cause more shifting in image than the web cam . However , such image shifting can be recovered easily from any image-process software . And DSI is more sensitive than my ordinary web cam , ( even the price is more exspensive ) , thus , I may use DSI to take moon photo in future , and totally replace the use of a web cam . Because DSI is more generic in my situation .
Clear skies everybody .
峰迥路转 : 人皆寻萝 萝里迥转吉凶 片刻春风得意 未知景物朦胧 人生如萝 萝里不分西东 寻乐不甚苦困 未识苦与乐同 他朝醒觉梧桐 是否夸凤成龙
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« 回覆文章 #71 於: 2010-10-23 19:40:20 » |
No.9) The moon is rising up the hill , behind a tree . This moment leaves silently and fastly .
The picture was shooted at 7:00p.m tonight , within less than 10 seconds time . I focus on the tree , and let the moon become a blured background .
峰迥路转 : 人皆寻萝 萝里迥转吉凶 片刻春风得意 未知景物朦胧 人生如萝 萝里不分西东 寻乐不甚苦困 未识苦与乐同 他朝醒觉梧桐 是否夸凤成龙
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« 回覆文章 #72 於: 2010-11-09 17:39:26 » |
我的另一样爱好,是改装邮轮模型做摇控电玩。 我们一班老发烧友每个星期日早上都要放船的。 建设天文台的其一重要目的,就是白天可以在里头搞模型用,也能放不小的模型用具。 上星期日第一部于天文台里造好的是这部邮轮-“铁达呢”号,有一米那么长,正式下水 !哈哈! 我花了一共3个月的时间把它从刚买回来的模型零件,到做好模型,油7,再改装电控摇控。 下一部计划明年要做的Queen Mary 2 ,也有一米长那样。
峰迥路转 : 人皆寻萝 萝里迥转吉凶 片刻春风得意 未知景物朦胧 人生如萝 萝里不分西东 寻乐不甚苦困 未识苦与乐同 他朝醒觉梧桐 是否夸凤成龙
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« 回覆文章 #73 於: 2010-12-02 11:50:29 » |
<<中国牧夫 >>Canon20da : 2010-12-1 23:07 i am in hong kong now. any chance we can get together? i would love to see your observatory if you have free time. you are a little famous in china already. he he you might remember that we chatted before. i am an american living in chengdu, sichuan. i have a meade dsi camera also. do you know of anyone who is selling a used (second-hand) Meade ETX telescope? also, i am interested in buying the book Photoshop Astronomy. someone on the hong kong astronomy club's forum webpage was trying to sell this book but i am unsure how to get ahold of him () i would apprecaite your help! mike (canon 20da) mikezele@hotmail.comMANDII : 2010-12-2 09:55 Well Canon ! long time no see ! your message 哈哈! Pls check my PM , I leave my phone no. there . Also , about the 2nd hand ETX telescope and the magazine , I may do something for you , let's see it .
峰迥路转 : 人皆寻萝 萝里迥转吉凶 片刻春风得意 未知景物朦胧 人生如萝 萝里不分西东 寻乐不甚苦困 未识苦与乐同 他朝醒觉梧桐 是否夸凤成龙
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« 回覆文章 #74 於: 2010-12-02 21:27:03 » |