« 回覆文章 #45 於: 2010-07-21 23:25:14 » |
=_= !!
阿炫的天體營 http://www.rogerrao.comThe universe is a pretty big place. It's bigger than anything anyone has ever dreamed of before. So if it's just us... seems like an awful waste of space. Right?
« 回覆文章 #46 於: 2010-07-26 11:51:10 » |
MIZAR牛反镜 会一直如期用到年底便会被Orion牛反镜取代,换了新镜就等于旧镜不会再用,正如以前的10X50双筒也是遭到同一命运。就那样收藏起来未免太可惜了。这倆天为此问题想出了一个念头来。
开发深圳家楼顶这个观星点也好。 因为没有多一部DSI/照像机,那就以目视为主。
开发深圳家楼顶观星点可行性分析: 1.我在那里来来往往的也住上有十年时间了,那里天气和天空暗度都要比香港家好很多的,北极星能看到。 2.虽然年底后估计在那边的时间会很小(一个月可能一俩天),目前就比较多,每个星期连weekend有三,四天都在那边,但如果只做观测,简单地用手上多余出来的器材,以不再作额外的器材投资为原则,只以消化香港多余出来的器材为原则 那么,那也是一条可造之途。
3.做法上,先把10X50双筒 和 EM8 拿过去,把EM8的脚修好便可用,免得再买个赤道仪多麻烦的。 其后年底便可把MIZAR 镜般上去,以MIZAR 和 EM8 来做目视。或许也会做一些简单的拍摄记录。 到年底时候也用了双筒也一段时间,对该天空环境也有一定的熟悉,用起MIZAR来也会更加上手。
计划即日生效 !
MANDII 2010/07/26
« 最後編輯時間: 2010-07-26 11:52:48 由 MANDII »
峰迥路转 : 人皆寻萝 萝里迥转吉凶 片刻春风得意 未知景物朦胧 人生如萝 萝里不分西东 寻乐不甚苦困 未识苦与乐同 他朝醒觉梧桐 是否夸凤成龙
« 回覆文章 #47 於: 2010-07-26 15:54:54 » |
近日发现美国论坛那边发生了重大的改变,有一篇天文台的文章突然殺出来,短短时间目前已排行第三位 !
短短一个月时间已有点击数812 , 59封,平均每封点击数为812/59=13.76 。 虽然比第二位(3819/140=27.2785)和我的(4057/149=27.2281) 平均点击数为底,但以该文作者那样的做笔记写文章速度,很快就会赶上来。
面临榜首位置不保的危机下(哈哈!),决定得改变下目前的写论坛文章策略。 过往以香港,中国和台湾为主,美国那边都没怎么理的实际上。 日后要以美国论坛为主,因为该论坛是一个全球性论坛,在我来说意义尤其重大!
为了方便免写中英倆份报告那么辛苦,日后要统一以英文写一份报告。 美国论坛先写,于观察当晚先写,或者第二天写,然后再copy到其它论坛去。
MANDII 2010/07/26
峰迥路转 : 人皆寻萝 萝里迥转吉凶 片刻春风得意 未知景物朦胧 人生如萝 萝里不分西东 寻乐不甚苦困 未识苦与乐同 他朝醒觉梧桐 是否夸凤成龙
« 回覆文章 #48 於: 2010-07-27 20:59:44 » |
台灣南部有一個頭腦不太正常的瘋子,有三台重型赤道儀...  他花了台幣五千元,弄一個天文台....後來因屋頂要弄防水工程,先拆了... 臨去前,請我去拍了幾張遺照...  原本還有放一台C11,聽說先載回去要拍ISS凌日...所以G11上面就空著..
« 最後編輯時間: 2010-07-27 21:01:21 由 wenyih »
« 回覆文章 #49 於: 2010-07-28 10:16:24 » |
台灣南部有一個頭腦不太正常的瘋子,有三台重型赤道儀...  他花了台幣五千元,弄一個天文台....後來因屋頂要弄防水工程,先拆了... 臨去前,請我去拍了幾張遺照...  原本還有放一台C11,聽說先載回去要拍ISS凌日...所以G11上面就空著.. 哈哈,不错。 有时候疯子和天才只是一念之差而已。 至小,我并不觉得他那样是不正常的,这张遺照你也拍得合时,哈哈!
« 最後編輯時間: 2010-07-28 10:20:56 由 MANDII »
峰迥路转 : 人皆寻萝 萝里迥转吉凶 片刻春风得意 未知景物朦胧 人生如萝 萝里不分西东 寻乐不甚苦困 未识苦与乐同 他朝醒觉梧桐 是否夸凤成龙
« 回覆文章 #50 於: 2010-08-02 10:33:53 » |
总结各论坛专家们有关倆支牛反合拼用的意见 :
合为单筒使用,深不可测,目前也没有可行的光路设计图可依照。 合为双筒,有待试验,但成数秒芒。
因此,7月26日原定计划,以分开镜子倆地使用,开矿深圳楼顶观星点的计划,会是一个最实际,省时省力,底成本,高成效的方案 !
MANDII 2010/08/02
峰迥路转 : 人皆寻萝 萝里迥转吉凶 片刻春风得意 未知景物朦胧 人生如萝 萝里不分西东 寻乐不甚苦困 未识苦与乐同 他朝醒觉梧桐 是否夸凤成龙
« 回覆文章 #51 於: 2010-08-19 22:56:29 » |
It's long time no take an astro picture , cause recently not always stay at home . Tonight , I come to take a picture of Archimedes . I pick up the moon map , nevigate the moon surface for nearly 15 minutes . And center the eyepiece after I can locate the Archimedes . Then use web cam to shoot it . Finally make the picture by Registax software .
峰迥路转 : 人皆寻萝 萝里迥转吉凶 片刻春风得意 未知景物朦胧 人生如萝 萝里不分西东 寻乐不甚苦困 未识苦与乐同 他朝醒觉梧桐 是否夸凤成龙
« 回覆文章 #52 於: 2010-08-27 23:53:05 » |
峰迥路转 : 人皆寻萝 萝里迥转吉凶 片刻春风得意 未知景物朦胧 人生如萝 萝里不分西东 寻乐不甚苦困 未识苦与乐同 他朝醒觉梧桐 是否夸凤成龙
« 回覆文章 #53 於: 2010-08-29 00:30:12 » |
Tonight is cloudy . Long time no take a picture .
So samely I come for those plants over the hill , they are always my favourite simple picturing objects .Anytime I want to take a picture , I just come to take them ,so easily . No need to wait for clear sky , no need too much concern on machine or whatever , because they are just easy and funny . And plants observation is gradually becomming my new hobby since the time I established such a kind of telescope imaging system ,as times goes by . Besides the fact that the moon crators and the Deep sky objects is always my fancy .
I had recorded down as a well organised databse system for the each plants' visual position/location in my home forunm indeed . Easy to find them out everytime by just turning the mount's DEC & RA circles accordingly . So far I had 17 plant objects in well notes and did 26 observation ( photos) within this 8 months time ,day and night observations . Actually I am still finding the bird nest or honey bee nest over the trees , they were once my expectation at the beginning time of this hobby . One day I may find it out , or I could never find it out , who knows .
But I do like taking a simple photo of plants/trees actually ,with the use of DSI-I . Same object is always change with time , they looks different as times goes by , that will never make me feel routine and boring as well .
MANDII 2010/08/29
峰迥路转 : 人皆寻萝 萝里迥转吉凶 片刻春风得意 未知景物朦胧 人生如萝 萝里不分西东 寻乐不甚苦困 未识苦与乐同 他朝醒觉梧桐 是否夸凤成龙
« 回覆文章 #54 於: 2010-09-17 11:14:06 » |
Last night the moon was very bright , actually not a good time to take a image ,atmosphere was not stable as well .
This time I tried my new bought 1.25" 2X barlow together with the web cam . Previously I had failed to capture a good 3X barlow image , cause too big magnification for my 4" telescope and blur the image indeed . But this time with 2X barlow , the image is still acceptable . I am satisfield with this cheap price Barlow very much .
This time the target is the "比利牛斯" mountain chain , the BillyNews mountain chain . You can also see some nearby crators , and such magnification is just enough for me , compared with those taken previously without the barlow
Finally , this time I write my report on the next day of observation night . So that I can have plenty of time to prepare a better image . Before I didn't pay too much attention on the image processing indeed , cause I don't have much time to try on the night time . So,this morning I am free in office and try more on the software REGISTAX . I found it has good tools to make the image better and sharper . That's a good and neat software .
峰迥路转 : 人皆寻萝 萝里迥转吉凶 片刻春风得意 未知景物朦胧 人生如萝 萝里不分西东 寻乐不甚苦困 未识苦与乐同 他朝醒觉梧桐 是否夸凤成龙
« 回覆文章 #55 於: 2010-09-18 16:54:18 » |
很不錯哦 這樣很有系統的整理.. 
« 回覆文章 #56 於: 2010-09-23 13:40:43 » |
The black trunk of a tree . Leaves widespread . Taken at noon time . 
峰迥路转 : 人皆寻萝 萝里迥转吉凶 片刻春风得意 未知景物朦胧 人生如萝 萝里不分西东 寻乐不甚苦困 未识苦与乐同 他朝醒觉梧桐 是否夸凤成龙
« 回覆文章 #57 於: 2010-09-26 15:54:03 » |
I had use different eyepieces to look over the hill this afternoon , for nearly an hour today . The plants under sunshine afternoon always looks smart . And very sharp in my telescope . I found this visual point beautiful and note it down . And use the 2X barlow to magnify the image two times closer this time . Of course , stack more images as well . Happy day to all of you . 
峰迥路转 : 人皆寻萝 萝里迥转吉凶 片刻春风得意 未知景物朦胧 人生如萝 萝里不分西东 寻乐不甚苦困 未识苦与乐同 他朝醒觉梧桐 是否夸凤成龙
« 回覆文章 #58 於: 2010-10-07 22:16:34 » |
I can't wait any longer the clear sky to take DSO picture , no such patience at all . It's always cloudy night in these days . And the clear night did really come silently sometimes , but it's easy to miss it at the same time . That is becomming a problem now .
Tonight , my mind to use the telescope and DSI imager had come suddenly . This visual point is meaningful and I want to note it down as a photo . . .
峰迥路转 : 人皆寻萝 萝里迥转吉凶 片刻春风得意 未知景物朦胧 人生如萝 萝里不分西东 寻乐不甚苦困 未识苦与乐同 他朝醒觉梧桐 是否夸凤成龙
« 回覆文章 #59 於: 2010-10-10 12:36:01 » |
There is a hill on another opposite side , the west side , about 2 kilometers away from my observatory . It's a plain hill . So this time the visual location becomes RA 06h10min . 06h00min is the west horizontal level . This picture recorded a group of Rocks , and a small path going up to the hill top . I focus on those rocks at the back , so the front side of the image becomes blur . This picture combines 117 images to make it more rich in content .
Probably more interesting items can be found among this hill area in future .
峰迥路转 : 人皆寻萝 萝里迥转吉凶 片刻春风得意 未知景物朦胧 人生如萝 萝里不分西东 寻乐不甚苦困 未识苦与乐同 他朝醒觉梧桐 是否夸凤成龙