
討論區 => 天文新知 => 主題作者是: peter 於 2022-08-08 19:41:23

主題: 神秘的庫巴奇失蹤案 ? 微型黑洞嗎? 騙局 hoax ??
作者: peter2022-08-08 19:41:23

斯蒂文·庫巴奇 steven  kubacki,是美國一所大學的學生,當時他是去到了位於密西根湖旁邊的一個滑雪場,在這裡進行滑雪運動,但是卻突然人間蒸發了



 騙局 hoax ??

It wasn't a “hoax", as Kubacki actually did disappear during that time period.

The most parsimonious explanation is that Kubacki suffered from a mental health issue, or an emotional one, that caused him to leave society for a certain period and then return when he chose to do so. The best indicator of this is that Kubacki refused to speak with the media about the incident, pointedly claiming that he didn't have any mental issues, and that nothing unusual happened.

A person who was in a sound mental state and who would have recognized how odd his disappearance was would have offered an explanation simply to satisfy the dozens of people who wasted time and effort searching for them. That Kubacki did not and never has indicates that he experienced personal problems and is unable to effectively deal with them.