
討論區 => 天文新知 => 主題作者是: peter 於 2019-10-20 12:06:55

主題: 星系自轉 The Most Massive Galaxies Spin More Than Twice as Fast as the Milky Way
作者: peter2019-10-20 12:06:55

our planet has nothing on the Sun itself, which travels around the center of our galaxy at a velocity of 220 km/s (792,000 km/h; 492,000 mph)

with the largest spinning at a rate of up to 570 km/s (350 mps) – almost three times as fast


主題: 回覆: 星系自轉 The Most Massive Galaxies Spin More Than Twice as Fast as the Milky Way
作者: peter2019-10-23 12:55:27

包括太陽系在內,整個銀河系以每秒約 210 公里的速度旋轉著,只是我們感受不到。而最近天文學家發現,比銀河系更大的螺旋星系其轉速超乎預期得快,每秒高達 570 公里,推測暗物質可能是其中提速關鍵。