
討論區 => 數位裝備 軟體分享區 => 主題作者是: peter 於 2017-05-09 12:52:11

主題: pentax 645z用電腦控制拍攝用什麼軟體 + connection
作者: peter2017-05-09 12:52:11
FB 討論串

大帥說 Pentax IT2可以控制645z,但無法設定B快門。







Shooting with a Pentax 645 Z MF camera

主題: 回覆: 請教645z用電腦控制拍攝用什麼軟體
作者: peter2017-05-09 12:56:58

Cactus V6 Review
Remote Power Control

Shooting with multiple lights is fun and can produce nice results.


主題: 回覆: pentax 645z用電腦控制拍攝用什麼軟體 + connection
作者: peter2017-05-10 21:56:00






I don’t shoot much in the studio, but when shooting interiors of boat, even in superyachts I happen to have to find the maximum recoil I often need to find a suitable position for the camera to stand back to widen the view (ah! these 3D images "shot" through bulkheads!).
For that I have a small tripod I put at the bottom of a shelf or even in some crazy places in the bathrooms…
But at this point, one must place blind the camera (in this case the swivel LCD screen of the 645Z is of little use).
Divine surprise! Pentax provides (against some €) connecting solutions that was so lacking for the 645 D!
In fact, Pentax « offer » 2 solutions …
1/ With Image Transmitter 2 software and a USB3 connection to a computer.
2/ Connecting with a Flucard the 645 Z via WiFi to a computer, or tablet or a smatphone (iOs or Android).

So what solution to choose? Which solution is most appropriate? So I tried them both!

主題: 回覆: pentax 645z用電腦控制拍攝用什麼軟體 + connection
作者: peter2017-05-10 21:58:52
看來傑克森要換 ?? 



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