
討論區 => 北區活動 + 蘭陽活動 => 主題作者是: 大瘋起嘻 於 2011-09-27 21:21:57

主題: NASA 天文的問題翻譯
作者: 大瘋起嘻2011-09-27 21:21:57



The Sun 昭安 (先挑的就挑簡單的 ;D)

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主題: 回覆: NASA 天文的問題翻譯
作者: 技安2011-09-27 21:38:37
拜了一下古哥大神就通通跟你講了...... 只要在稍加修飾一下......


搜尋生命    夜空

主題: 回覆: NASA 天文的問題翻譯
作者: Skyray2011-09-27 21:40:15
http://www.books.com.tw/exep/prod/booksfile.php?item=0010260572 (http://www.books.com.tw/exep/prod/booksfile.php?item=0010260572)


主題: 回覆: NASA 天文的問題翻譯
作者: peter2011-09-27 22:15:27
What is a Comet?

Comets are basically dusty snowballs which orbit the sun. They are made of ices, such as water, carbon dioxide, ammonia and methane, mixed with dust. These materials came from the time when the solar system was formed. Comets have an icy center (nucleus) surrounded by a large cloud of gas and dust (called the coma). The coma is created as the ice in the nucleus is warmed by the sun and vaporizes. Comets can develop 2 tails as they travel closer to the sun, a straight gas tail and a curved dust tail. The gas tail is created by the solar wind, whose magnetic fields pull the gas away from the comet's coma. The dust in the coma is not affected by magnetic fields but is vaporized by the sun's heat, and forms a curved tail which follows the comet's orbit.
彗星基本上是繞太陽軌道的髒雪球 , 通長是由水,冰,碳氫化合物 , 氨和甲烷等且混合了塵埃。這些材料來自太陽系形成時的時間。彗星有一個冰冷的中心(核)周圍繞著的氣體和塵埃(彗髮)大雲。彗髮 是因為冰核被溫暖的陽光和蒸發產生 。彗星可以發展2尾巴,當他們的旅行更接近太陽,直氣的尾巴(離子尾) 和一個彎曲的塵埃彗尾。彗星的尾巴是由太陽風的磁場吹走彗星彗髮的氣體。在彗髮中的塵埃是不受磁場的影響但受太陽的熱蒸發,並形成如彎曲的尾巴隨著彗星的軌道

When will Halley's comet return?
Halley's comet will next appear in the night sky in the year 2062. It orbits the sun every 75-76 years, so this is the time between appearances. Halley's comet was recorded by Edmund Halley in 1682. It was seen again in 1758, 1835, 1910, and 1986.

Did a comet really crash into Jupiter?  
Yes, between July 16 and July 22, 1994, several pieces of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 collided with Jupiter. It was the first collision of two solar system objects ever observed. The comet had been captured and broken apart by Jupiter's strong gravity. More than 20 fragments of the comet crashed into Jupiter's southern hemisphere at speeds of about 130,000 miles (210,000 km) per hour. The impacts released a lot of energy and created several large, dark scars in Jupiter's atmosphere which lasted for several weeks.
是的,7月16日至1994年7月22日,幾個蘇梅克 - 列維 9號彗星的碎片與木星相撞。這是兩個太陽系天體頭一次碰撞被觀察到。這顆彗星被木星的強大引力抓住,並被撕裂(ps. 潮夕力撕裂 蘇梅克 - 列維 9號彗星 ) 。超過 20彗星的碎片以每小時約 13英里(210,000公里)的速度撞向木星的南半球。撞擊釋放出大量的能量,並產生了幾個大的,黑暗的疤痕在木星的大氣層並且持續幾個星期。

What is the difference between an asteroid and a comet?
The main difference between asteroids and comets is what they are made of. Asteroids are made up of metals and rocky material, while comets are made up of ice, dust and rocky material. Both asteroids and comets were formed early in the history of the solar system about 4.5 billion years ago. Asteroids formed much closer to the sun, where it was too warm for ices to remain solid. Comets formed farther from the sun where ices would not melt. Comets which approach the sun loose material with each orbit because some of their ice melts and vaporizes to form a tail.

What is the size of a comet?  
Most comets have a nucleus (the center of a comet) that is less than about 6 miles (10 km) wide. The size of a comet changes depending on how close it is to the sun. As a comet gets closer to the sun, the ices on the surface of its nucleus vaporize and form a cloud called a coma around the nucleus that can expand out to 50,000 miles (80,000 km). A tail also forms on a comet as it approaches the sun. Comet tails can be over 600,000 miles (1 million km) long.
大多數彗星是小於約 6英里(10公里)寬的原子核(彗星的中心)。彗星大小的變化取決於它如何靠近將太陽。當彗星接近太陽時,其內核表面上的冰蒸發,形成雲稱為彗髮圍繞彗核能夠擴大到50,000英里(80,000公里)。當它接近太陽也會形成彗尾。彗尾可以超過 60萬英里(1萬公里)長。

What is a meteor shower?  
As a comet travels close to the sun, it heats up and part of the comet vaporizes. After a comet has orbited the sun many times, a lot of small pieces of the comet are left along the comet's path. A meteor shower happens when Earth passes through the path of a comet. When this happens the bits of comet debris, most no larger than a grain of sand, create streaks of light in the night sky as they burn up in Earth's atmosphere Bits of debris which enter Earth's atmosphere are called meteors. On any night, there are several small meteors which shoot across the sky. However, during a meteor shower, tens to hundreds of meteors can be seen each hour. Many of these meteor showers can be predicted and occur at the same time each year.

ps1. coma  GOOGLE   竟翻成  昏迷
ps2. 潮夕力撕裂 蘇梅克 - 列維 9號彗星 請參考 洛希界限

主題: 回覆: NASA 天文的問題翻譯
作者: 阿水2011-09-27 22:39:12

彗星基本上都是圍繞太陽旋轉的塵土飛揚的雪球 。 它們是由冰,水,二氧化碳,氨和甲烷等,混合了灰塵。 這些材料來自太陽系形成時的時間 。 彗星有一個冰冷的中心(核)周圍的氣體和塵埃(昏迷)大雲。 昏迷中被創建為冰核是由溫暖的陽光和蒸發。 彗星可以發展2尾巴,因為他們的旅行更接近太陽,直氣的尾巴和一個彎曲的塵埃彗尾 。 氣體的尾巴是由太陽風的磁場拉距彗星的昏迷氣體。 在昏迷中的灰塵是沒有磁場的影響,但太陽的熱量蒸發,並形成如下彗星的軌道彎曲的尾巴。

主題: 回覆: NASA 天文的問題翻譯
作者: peter2011-09-27 22:48:40
彗星 我翻完了 ,

阿水挑別的吧 ..

主題: 回覆: NASA 天文的問題翻譯
作者: peter2011-09-27 23:01:19
What is an asteroid?
Asteroids are rocky-metallic objects which range in size from about the size of pebbles to around 600 miles (~1,000 km) across. Although they orbit the sun, they are too small to be considered planets. Asteroids are thought to be leftover material from the formation of our solar system. Most are found in the Asteroid Belt, a doughnut-shaped ring which lies between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. Astronomers have also identified a group of asteroids whose orbits cross Earth's orbit. Several hundred thousand asteroids are known to exist in our solar system, and many are yet to be discovered. Most of the undiscovered asteroids are the smaller ones (less than 100 km across) which are more difficult to detect. It is estimated that there are over a million of these smaller asteroids.
小行星是岩石的金屬物體的, 尺寸範圍從鵝卵石般大小到越約 600英里(約1000公里)都有。雖然它們圍繞太陽旋轉,它們太小,無法被視為行星。小行星被認為是我們太陽系的形成後留下的材料。大多數是在小行星帶位於火星和木星軌道之間的一個環形圈。天文學家們還發現了小行星的軌道和地球的軌道有交叉。數十萬小行星被稱為存在於我們的太陽系,許多人尚未被發現的。未被發現的小行星大多是較小的(小於 100公里橫跨),這是更難以察覺。據估計,有超過百萬顆這些更小的小行星。

What is the asteroid belt?
The asteroid belt is a region of space between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter where most of the asteroids in our solar system are found orbiting the sun. The asteroid belt probably contains millions of asteroids. Astronomers think that the asteroid belt is made up of material that was never able to form into a planet, or of the remains of a planet which broke apart a very long time ago. The asteroids in the asteroid belt come in a varity of sizes. Some are very small (less than a mile across), while others are quite large. The largest asteroid is called Ceres. It is about one-quarter the size of our moon
小行星帶是在火星和木星之間的空間 ,其中大部分小行星繞太陽的軌道在。小行星帶中可能包含數以百萬計的小行星。天文學家認為,小行星帶是由沒有能夠形成一個行星的材料組成,或是行星球很長一段時間前解體。在小行星帶的小行星有多種尺寸。有些是非常小(不到1英里),而有些則是相當大的。最大的小行星被稱為穀神星。這是我們的月球大小的大約四分之一

What is the largest asteroid?
The largest asteroid is called Ceres. It is about one-quarter the size of the moon and orbits the sun between Mars and Jupiter in a region called the asteroid belt. Unlike most asteroids, Ceres is spherical in shape. Ceres was discovered by the Italian astronomer Giuseppe Piazzi in 1801 as he searched for a planet which was predicted to exist between Mars and Jupiter. It was the first asteroid ever discovered.
被稱為最大的小行星是穀神星。大約四分之一的月亮的大小其軌道在火星和木星之間的太陽在一個區域稱為小行星帶。不像一般小行星,穀神星是球形的。穀神星被發現在1801年由意大利天文學家Giuseppe Piazz ,他預測火星和木星之間可能存在行星做行星搜索。這是迄今發現的第一個小行星。

Can asteroids have moons?
小行星有衛星嗎 ?
Yes, asteroids can have moons! Some of the larger asteroids in our solar system actually do have moons. In 1993, an tiny moon called Dactyl was discovered orbiting the large asteroid Ida. Dactyl is only about 1 mile wide, while Ida is about 19 miles across. Since then, several other moons have been discovered orbiting asteroids. In 1999 an 8 mile wide moon called Petit-Prince was discovered orbiting the 135 mile wide asteroid Eugenia. In 2000, the 90 mile wide asteroid Pulcova was discovered to have its own moon, about nine miles wide. Over two dozen more have been discovered.
是,小行星有衛星!其實在我們的太陽系的一些較大的小行星有衛星。在1993年,大型小行星艾達( Ida) 發現一個一個小衛星叫 Dactyl 。 Dactyl只有約 1英里寬,而IDA是約 19英里。從那時起,數個繞小行星的軌道衛星被發現。在1999年8英里寬的月亮,稱為Petit-Prince  被發現繞135公里寬的小行星尤金妮亞Eugenia軌道上。在2000年,90英里寬的小行星Pulcova發現有自己的小衛星,大約9英里寬。2l41vu到現在已經發現了超過兩打多的小行星衛星 。

Can you really walk on an asteroid like in some movies?
可以在小行星上行走類似電影上嗎 ?
Since asteroids are generally small, their gravity is very weak. An astronaut standing on an asteroid would weigh very little and would tend to float more than walk.

Can an asteroid really hit Earth?
小行星會撞上地球嗎 ?
It is possible that an asteroid may hit Earth one day, but the chances of this happening are very small. Most asteroids are located in the asteroid belt and stay between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter which is very far from us. However, some are in orbits which can take them closer to Earth. Astronomers are always watching the sky and some of them specialize in tracking these asteroids. If an asteroid was heading for Earth, chances are that we would know about it years ahead of time and would have a lot of time to plan a defense.
一顆小行星有可能某天撞上地球,但這種情況發生的可能性非常小。大多數小行星都位於離我們很遠的火星和木星軌道之間的小行星帶。然而,有些小行星軌道會使小行星更接近地球。天文學家們一直看著天空,其中一些專門跟踪這些小行星。如果這顆小行星會是地球頭號問題,機會就是我們會了解它, 在今後幾年的時間會有很多的時間計劃和防護

Have any spacecraft landed on an asteroid?
有任何太空船登陸過小行星嗎 ?
Yes, on February 12, 2001 flight controllers landed NASA's NEAR spacecraft on an asteroid called Eros. NEAR was the first spacecraft to orbit and touchdown on the surface of an asteroid. NEAR began orbiting Eros a year earlier, on February 14, 2000. The spacecraft collected close up photographs and measured the size and shape of Eros before landing. Eros is the largest of the asteroids whose orbits cross the orbit of the Earth.
是的,2001年2月12日,美國航空航天局nasa控制的近地小行星任務太空船的降落在一個愛神小行星。近地小行星任務太空船是第一個繞小行星。軌道和接觸小行星,  近地小行星任務太空船在一年前2000年2月14日 開始繞愛神小行星軌到, 太空船在降落前收集愛神的特寫照片和測量大小和形狀。在有穿越地球的軌道的小行星軌道中愛神星是最大。

What is the difference between an asteroid and a comet?
The main difference between asteroids and comets is what they are made of. Asteroids are made up of metals and rocky material, while comets are made up of ice, dust and rocky material. Both asteroids and comets were formed early in the history of the solar system about 4.5 billion years ago. Asteroids formed much closer to the sun, where it was too warm for ices to remain solid. Comets formed farther from the sun where ices would not melt. Comets which approach the sun loose material with each orbit because some of their ice melts and vaporizes to form a tail.

主題: 回覆: NASA 天文的問題翻譯
作者: 大瘋起嘻2011-09-27 23:08:14
peter如果順手就乾脆把他全搞定吧! ;D

主題: 回覆: NASA 天文的問題翻譯
作者: peter2011-09-27 23:28:39
不要 ...找柏賢吧 ..

另外翻這要幹嗎 ??  小朋友 連上去還是看到英文 阿

除非要做中文版  1對1的翻 

如 nine planet  中文版   英文如下
但 多年前  九大行星站(The Nine Planets)" 在成功大學物理系的"分身
==> but  消失了 ??  以前有



除非要把這些 當 觀星會自己的 faq

主題: 回覆: NASA 天文的問題翻譯
作者: Jeff2011-09-28 08:57:15




主題: 回覆: NASA 天文的問題翻譯
作者: 大瘋起嘻2011-09-28 10:49:40

等大家翻譯完了,我再整理整理就 ok 了



主題: 回覆: NASA 天文的問題翻譯
作者: peter2011-09-28 11:15:26

google 翻後 在修一下 就比校快 ..
不過 要照那網頁翻會很囉唆 ..

主題: 回覆: NASA 天文的問題翻譯
作者: peter2011-09-28 11:19:57
How hot is Mercury?
Since Mercury is the closest planet to the sun, spins slowly, and does not have much of an atmosphere to trap heat, its temperature varies greatly. Mercury's temperatures can go between -279 Fahrenheit (-173 Celsius) at night to 801 Fahrenheit (427 Celsius) during the day (This is hot enough to melt lead!).
由於水星是最靠近太陽的行星,緩慢的旋轉,並且不會有大氣抓住熱,它的溫度差別很大。水星的溫度可以在晚上華氏零下279度(攝氏零下173度) 白天到 華氏801度(攝氏427度)之間  ( 熱到足以融化鉛)

Why does Mercury have more craters than the other planets?
All of the planets in our solar system have had a lot of craters. This was especially true in the past when there were many more meteoroids traveling in our solar system than there are today. On planets like Venus, Earth and Mars, we do not see as many craters because most of them have been eroded away by wind, rain, volcanic activity and other forces. On the giant gas planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, we do not see any craters because there is no visible solid surface for the meteors to hit. On the Mercury, where there is no atmosphere, there is no weather to erode away the craters, so most of the craters are still visible.
How small is Mercury compared to Earth?

Mercury has a diameter of 3,032 miles (4,879 km) making it a little more than one third the size of Earth. If Earth were the size of a baseball, Mercury would be about the size of a golf ball.
水星直徑是 3032 英里 (4879 公里) , 略多於三分之一的地球大小的。如果地球是一個棒球的大小 水星將一個高爾夫球大小。

How strong is the gravity on Mercury?
Since Mercury has less mass than Earth, the surface gravity on Mercury is less than the surface gravity on Earth. The surface gravity on Mercury is only about 38% of the surface gravity on Earth, so if you weigh 100 pounds on Earth, you would weigh only 38 pounds on Mercury.

How close is Mercury to the sun?
Mercury is the closest planet to the sun. It's orbit around the sun is very elliptical, like a stretched out circle. Mercury's distance from the sun ranges from 28.6 million miles (46 million km) to 43.4 million miles (69.8 million km).

How fast does Mercury orbit the sun?
Mercury circles the sun in only 88 days, compared to 365 days for Earth, at at an average speed of 107,088 miles (172,341 kilometers) per hour. This is faster than any other planet in the solar system.
水星繞太陽公轉只有88天,相比地球繞太陽公轉為 365天 , 每小時的平均速度107088英里(172341公里)。比太陽系任何行星都還快。

How long is a day on Mercury?
A planet's day is the time it takes the planet to rotate or spin once on its axis. Mercury rotates very slowly compared to Earth so a day on Mercury is much shorter than a day on Earth. A day on Mercury is 58.646 Earth days or 1407.5 hours long while a day on Earth is 23.934 hours long.

===> 這邊有問題 , 字面說 水星上的一天比地球上的一天短 ,
但轉得很慢 應該是 比地球的一天還長吧 ..如以地球時間為單位

How long is a year on Mercury?
A year on Mercury is about 88 Earth days long. Mercury has the shortest year of any planet in the solar system.
一年約 88地球天,  比起其他行星水星有最短的一年

How far is Mercury from Earth?
Mercury is the first planet from sun and Earth is the third planet from the sun. Mercury is an average distance of 48 million miles (77 million km) from Earth

Does Mercury have an atmosphere?
水星有大氣層嗎 ?
Mercury has an extremely thin atmosphere which is made up of atoms blasted off its surface by the solar wind, a constant stream of particles coming from the outer layer of the sun. Because Mercury is so hot, these atoms quickly escape into space. Unlike the stable atmospheres of Earth and Venus, Mercury's atmosphere is constantly being replenished

What is the weather like on Mercury?
Since Mercury has hardly any atmosphere, it does not have weather like storms, clouds, winds or rain. Its surface temperature can reach 801 Fahrenheit during the day (because it is so close to the Sun) and can drop to -279 Fahrenheit at night (because there is no atmosphere to trap the daytime heat)

What does the sun look like from Mercury?
Since Mercury is the closest planet to the sun, the sun would look much larger from Mercury than it would from any other planet in the solar system. From Mercury the sun would appear to be about 2 1/2 times larger than it appears from Earth.

What is Mercury made of?
Mercury is a rocky planet with a huge iron core which makes up a large part of its interior. The core takes up nearly 3/4 of the planet's diameter. Mercury's iron core is about the size of the moon. Iron makes up about 70% of Mercury's total weight making Mercury the most iron-rich planet in the solar system. On top of this core, lies an outer, rocky shell which is about 350 miles (~550 km) thick.
水星是與一個巨大的鐵核,這使得其內部的很大一部分的岩石行星。核心佔用了行星的直徑近3 / 4的。水星的鐵的核心是差不多是月球的大小。鐵核新約佔水星的總重量約 70%使水星在太陽系中是含鐵最豐富的星球。在這個核心之上,其外層這是約 350英里(約550公里)厚的岩石外殼

How old is Mercury?
Mercury was formed at the same time as the rest of the solar system, from a large spinning disk of gas and dust. Astronomers think that all this happened about 4.6 billion years ago! So Mercury is about 4.6 billion years old
水星和太陽系的其餘部分的同時期形成,從一個大的旋轉的氣體和塵埃形成。天文學家認為,約 46億年前發生的這一切!因此,水星約 46億歲

=> 怪了  billion 是 10億 ..為何 4.6 billion  google 一直翻  4.6億 ???

How many spacecraft have been to Mercury?
Only one spacecraft has ever visited the planet Mercury. It was called Mariner 10. During 1974 and 1975, Mariner 10 flew by Mercury three times and mapped about half of the planet's surface. Mariner 10 also discovered Mercury's thin atmosphere and detected its magnetic field.

Who discovered Mercury?
There is no single person who is credited with the discovery of Mercury. Mercury is one of the five planets that can be seen in the night sky without using a telescope or binoculars. The planet Mercury has been known since ancient times and was observed for thousands of years by the people of many different cultures. One of the earliest records of Mercury comes from the Sumerians around 3,000 BC. Since Mercury never travels far from the sun in the sky, it is more difficult to see and was probably discovered later than brighter planets like Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn.
沒有任何單一的人發現水星的記錄。水星是五個行星之一且不使用望遠鏡或雙筒望遠鏡就可以在夜空中看到。自古以來一直被稱為水星,是由許多不同文化的人民千百年來觀察。水星的最早記錄之一是大約公元前3000年的蘇美爾人。由於水星在天空中從未遠離太陽 ,這是比較難見到,可能是因此 發現比其他明亮的行星,如金星,火星,木星和土星還晚。

How did Mercury get its name?
為何會取名為水星 ? 
The Romans knew of seven bright objects in the sky, the sun, the moon and the five brightest planets. They named them after their most important gods. Because Mercury was the fastest planet as it moved around the sun, it was named after the Roman messenger god Mercury. Mercury was also the god of travelers. According to myth, he had a winged hat and sandals, so he could fly.

ps. 中國又稱為辰星 但 水星中文名稱由來 ?????

How long does it take to get to Mercury from Earth?
How long it would take to travel to Mercury would depend on where Earth and Mercury were in their orbits at the time a spacecraft started its journey from Earth, and also on the path chosen. For example, Mariner 10 was launched on November 3, 1973 and it arrived at Mercury on March 29, 1974.
太空船從地球到水星要多久和地球和水星的軌道間位置有關,  所選擇的道路上也將取決於此。例如,水手10號,1973年11月3日發射,它在1974年3月29日到達水星。

Is there any water on Mercury?
水星上有水嗎 ?
Recent radar data shows that water ice may exist in the bottoms of craters at Mercury's poles. Although Mercury is the closest planet to the sun, and can be extremely hot over most of its surface, ice may exist at the bottoms of some polar craters because the crater floors are permanently shadowed by the crater rims. Mercury's axis has almost no tilt, so its poles receive very little direct sunlight.

What color is Mercury?
Planets have the colors that they have because of what they are made of and how their surfaces or atmospheres reflect and absorb sunlight. Mercury has a dark gray, rocky surface which is covered with a thick layer of dust. The surface is thought to be made up of igneous silicate rocks and dust

主題: 回覆: NASA 天文的問題翻譯
作者: 大瘋起嘻2011-09-28 11:31:19

google 翻後 在修一下 就比校快 ..
不過 要照那網頁翻會很囉唆 ..

一定要修,google 翻譯差很大

主題: 回覆: NASA 天文的問題翻譯
作者: peter2011-09-28 12:16:25
其他給別人了 ..

主題: 回覆: NASA 天文的問題翻譯
作者: 大瘋起嘻2011-09-28 12:30:29
其他給別人了 ..



主題: 回覆: NASA 天文的問題翻譯
作者: 大瘋起嘻2011-09-28 16:30:54

What is the sun?

The sun is a star. It is a huge, spinning, glowing sphere of hot gas. The sun is just like the stars that you see in the night sky. It appears so much larger and brighter than the other stars because we are so close to it. The sun is the center of our solar system. All of the planets in our solar system, including Earth, orbit around the sun.


How does the sun shine?

The sun shines by burning hydrogen into helium in its core. This process is called nuclear fusion. Fusion happens when lighter elements are forced to become heavier elements. When this happens, a tremendous amount of energy is created. The famous scientist Albert Einstein discovered a formula which shows how much energy can be created from a small amount of mass. You may have heard of the famous formula E=mc2. E is energy, m is mass, and c is the speed of light. The speed of light is 186,000 miles or 300,000 km per second. So you can see that a tiny amount of matter can be changed into an enormous amount of energy. This can only happen in places which have extremely high pressures and temperatures. At the center of the sun, the temperature reaches 16 million degrees K, and the pressure is more than a billion times the atmospheric pressure on Earth! The sun converts about 5 million tons of mass into energy every second. This energy heats the sun, and in turn, the sun heats Earth and all the other planets.

太陽之所以會發光,是因為在太陽核心裡面,氫經過燃燒後轉化為氦,硬是將較輕的元素轉變為較重的元素,產生了巨大的能量而發光,這個過程就是核融合。著名科學家愛因斯坦發現了一個公式,說明用少許的質量產生多大的能量。您可能聽說過著名的公式E= MC2,E是能量,m是質量,c是光速。光的速度每秒達到30萬公里或186,000英里,這也就是為什麼少量的物質可以變成巨大能量的原因。而核融合只能發生在具有非常高的壓力和溫度的地方。以太陽的中心來說,溫度達到1600萬度K時,壓力更是高達地球上的大氣壓力的10億倍!太陽每秒將約500萬噸的質量轉換成能量,將太陽加熱,接著太陽也將地球和其他行星加熱。

How long has the sun been shining?

The sun has been shining for about 4.6 billion years and it will continue to shine for about 5 billion more years.


太陽已經閃耀約46億年,未來還將繼續閃耀約 50億多年。

What is the sun made of?

The sun is a huge, glowing sphere of hot gas. Most of this gas is hydrogen (about 70%) and helium (about 28%). Carbon, nitrogen and oxygen make up 1.5% and the other 0.5% is made up of small amounts of many other elements such as neon, iron, silicon, magnesium and sulfur. The sun shines because it is burning hydrogen into helium in its extremely hot core. This means that as time goes on, the sun has less hydrogen and more helium.


太陽是一個充滿熱氣體的巨大發光球體。這些氣體有氫氣(約 70%)和氦(28%左右)。碳,氮和氧共1.5%,其他如氖、鐵、矽、鎂、硫等諸多元素的少量約0.5%。陽光的產生是因為太陽極熱的核心將氫燃燒成氦,所以太陽上的氫將會越來越少,而氦就會越來越多。

How large is the sun compared to Earth?

Compared to Earth, the sun is enormous! It contains 99.86% of all of the mass of the entire solar system. The sun is 864,400 miles (1,391,000 kilometers) across. This is about 109 times the diameter of Earth. The sun weighs about 333,000 times as much as Earth. It is so large that about 1,300,000 planet Earths can fit inside of it. Earth is about the size of an average sunspot!

太陽的大小如果是顆籃球的話,那地球就只有一個小綠豆大而已!太陽的質量佔整個太陽系的99.86%。太陽直徑有1,391,000公里 (864400英里),是地球直徑的109倍左右。太陽的重量約地球的33萬倍。這樣的大小可以容納約130萬地球。

Is the sun the largest star?

Although the sun appear larger to us than any other star, there are many stars which are much larger. The sun appears so large compared to the other stars because it is so much closer to us than any other star. The sun is just an average sized star. For example, below is a list of some of the largest stars in our galaxy and how they compare to our sun:

Mu Cephi - about 1500 times the size of our sun
Betelgeuse - about 900 times the size of our sun
Antares - about 530 times the size of our sun
Deneb - about 145 times the size of our sun


造父四 (Mu Cephi)– 約太陽的1500倍
參宿四 (Betelgeuse)- 約太陽的900倍
心宿二 (Antares)- 約太陽的530倍
天津四 (Deneb)- 約太陽的145倍

How hot is the sun?

The temperature at the surface of the sun is about 10,000 Fahrenheit (5,600 Celsius). The temperature rises from the surface of the sun inward towards the very hot center of the sun where it reaches about 27,000,000 Fahrenheit (15,000,000 Celsius). The temperature of the sun also rises from the surface outward into the solar atmosphere. The uppermost layer of the solar atmosphere, called the corona, reaches temperatures of millions of degrees. The corona is the bright halo of light that can be seen during a total solar eclipse.



How far away is the sun?

The sun is at an average distance of about 93,000,000 miles (150 million kilometers) away from Earth. It is so far away that light from the sun, traveling at a speed of 186,000 miles (300,000 meters) per second, takes about 8 minutes to reach us. Like all of the other planets in our solar system, Earth does not travel around the sun in a perfect circle. Instead its orbit is elliptical, like a stretched circle, with the sun just off the center of the orbit. This means that the distance between Earth and the sun changes during a year. At its closest, the sun is 91.4 million miles (147.1 million km) away from us. At its farthest, the sun is 94.5 million miles (152.1 million km) away.



Does the sun spin?

Yes, the sun does spin, or rotate. Because it is a gas, it does not rotate like a solid. The sun actually spins faster at its equator than at its poles. The sun rotates once every 27 days at its equator, but only once every 31 days at its poles. We know this by watching the motion of sunspots and other solar features across the sun. The giant gas planets, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, also spin faster at their equators than at their poles.



Does the sun move in space?

Yes, the sun does move in space. The sun and the entire solar system revolve around the center of our own galaxy - the Milky Way.


主題: 回覆: NASA 天文的問題翻譯
作者: Aray2011-09-29 19:35:06


主題: 回覆: NASA 天文的問題翻譯
作者: 大瘋起嘻2011-09-29 19:46:34






主題: 回覆: NASA 天文的問題翻譯
作者: aa2011-09-29 20:11:52



主題: 回覆: NASA 天文的問題翻譯
作者: 珮怡2011-09-29 22:24:07








主題: 回覆: NASA 天文的問題翻譯
作者: 大瘋起嘻2011-09-29 23:05:20











主題: 回覆: NASA 天文的問題翻譯
作者: Aray2011-09-30 07:32:46







已上路繼續繼續當然不要讓樂趣停止 ;D

主題: 回覆: NASA 天文的問題翻譯
作者: Aray2011-09-30 08:01:15
會是甚麼有趣的畫面呢 ::)

主題: 回覆: NASA 天文的問題翻譯
作者: Jeff2011-09-30 08:22:34










主題: 回覆: NASA 天文的問題翻譯
作者: 大瘋起嘻2011-09-30 09:01:48

主題: 回覆: NASA 天文的問題翻譯
作者: Jeff2011-10-03 07:03:27



主題: 回覆: NASA 天文的問題翻譯
作者: peter2011-10-03 12:41:29
Why is Venus sometimes called Earth's twin?
Venus is sometimes called Earth's twin because Venus and Earth are almost the same size, have about the same mass (they weigh about the same), and have a very similar composition (are made of the same material). They are also neighboring planets. However, Venus and Earth are also very different. Venus has an atmosphere that is about 100 times thicker than Earth's and has surface temperatures that are extremely hot. Venus does not have life or water oceans like Earth does. Venus also rotates backwards compared to Earth and the other planets.
金星有時也被稱為地球的雙胞胎,因為金星和地球大小幾乎相同,有大約相同的質量 ,並有一個非常相似的(相同的材料製成)的組成。他們還g42鄰近行星。然而,金星和地球也有很大不同。金星大氣是比地球厚100倍左右(應該是大氣壓吧 不是厚度),是非常熱的表面溫度, 金星沒有像地球一樣的生命或水的海洋。和地球和其他行星比金星旋轉是相反的。

Why is Venus so hot?
Venus is so hot because it is surrounded by a very thick atmosphere which is about 100 times more massive than our atmosphere here on Earth. As sunlight passes through the atmosphere it heats up the surface of Venus. Most of this heat cannot escape back into space because it is blocked by the very thick atmosphere of Venus. The heat becomes trapped and builds up to extremely high temperatures. This trapping of heat by the atmosphere is called the greenhouse effect because it is similar to how the glass in a greenhouse traps heat. The greenhouse effect on Venus causes the temperatures at its surface to reach 864 degrees Fahrenheit (462 degrees Celsius), making Venus the hottest planet in the entire solar system
金星是這麼熱,因為它是有一個本很厚的大氣大約 100倍地球大氣層質量包圍著。當陽光穿過大氣層時,它加熱金星表面。這些熱量大部分不能逃逸到太空回來,因為它是由金星的濃厚大氣阻擋。熱被困住,並產生到極高的溫度。這種大氣誘捕被稱為溫室效應,因為它是類似於玻璃溫室作用。金星上的溫室效應導致其表面溫度達到華氏864度(攝氏462度),使金星在整個太陽系中是最熱的行星

Could life exist on Venus?
金星上有生命嗎 ?
Most astronomers feel that it would be impossible for life to exist on Venus. Today, Venus is a very hostile place. It is a very dry planet with no evidence of water, its surface temperature is hot enough to melt lead, and its atmosphere is so thick that the air pressure on its surface is over 90 times that on Earth. Even the spacecraft which have landed on Venus only survived for about an hour before being crushed and melted. There are however, a few scientists who think that it is possible for life to exist in the clouds of Venus.
大多數天文學家認為,這將是不可能的金星上的生命存在的。今天,金星是一個對生命非常有敵意的的地方。  這是一個沒有水的證據非常乾燥的星球,其表面溫度熱到足以融化鉛,和它的大氣是那麼厚,在其表面的空氣壓力超過 90倍地球大氣。即使在金星上著陸的飛船只存活了大約一個小時就被粉碎和融化。然而,有一名一些科學家認為 可能有些生命是存在於金星的雲層

Who discovered Venus?
There is no single person who is credited with the discovery of Venus. Venus is the brightest of the five planets that can be seen in the night sky without the use of a telescope or binoculars. Since Venus is so bright and noticable in the sky, it was probably seen by the first groups of humans.
沒有任何單一的人發現水星的記錄。水星是五個行星之一且不使用望遠鏡或雙筒望遠鏡就可以在夜空中看到。 可以在夜空中看到的行星中最亮的。由於金星是如此明亮,在天空中明顯,它可能是最早一組人類發現的。

How did Venus get its name?
The Romans knew of seven bright objects in the sky, the sun, the moon and the five brightest planets. They named them after their most important gods. Venus, the brightest planet in the night sky, was named after the Roman goddess of love and beauty.
 就是維納斯 , 而中國稱太白星

Why is Venus so bright in the night sky?
金星 為何如此亮
Venus is one of the brightest objects in the night sky. Venus is so bright because its thick clouds reflect most of the sunlight that reaches it (about 70%) back into space, and because it is the closest planet to Earth. Venus can often be seen within a few hours after sunset or before sunrise as the brightest object in the sky (other than the moon). It looks like a very bright star. Venus is the brightest planet in the solar system
金星在夜空中最明亮的天體之一。金星是如此明亮,因為它厚厚的雲層反射了大部分的陽光,達到回太空(約 70%),因為它是最接近地球的行星。日落之後或日出前的幾個小時內看到天空中最明亮的 (比月球),它看起來像一個非常明亮的恆星。金星是太陽系中最亮的行星

What is the atmosphere of Venus like?
金星大氣像甚 ?
The atmosphere of Venus is very thick and is about 90 times more massive than Earth's atmosphere. It is mostly carbon dioxide gas (about 96%), with some nitrogen (about 3%) and a very small amount of water vapor (0.003%). Venus also has a thick layer of sulfuric acid clouds. The sulfur in the clouds gives Venus its yellowish appearance. The clouds in Venus's atmosphere also move very fast, reaching speeds of 220 miles per hour (350 km per hour).
金星的大氣層很厚,約 90倍地球大氣層的量。它主要是二氧化碳氣體(約 96%),與一些氮(約 3%)和極少量的水蒸汽(0.003%),金星也有一層厚厚的硫酸雲。在雲中的硫 使金星有淡黃色的外觀。金星的大氣中的雲層速度也非常快,達到每小時 每小時220英里(每小時350公里)的速度。

Has a spacecraft ever landed on Venus?
Yes, several landers from the former Soviet Union have landed on Venus. They were only able to send us information for a short time because the extremely high temperature and pressure on the surface of Venus melted and crushed the landers. On December 15, 1970 an unmanned Soviet spacecraft, Venera 7, became the first spacecraft to land on another planet. It measured the temperature of the atmosphere on Venus. In 1972, Venera 8 gathered atmospheric and surface data for 50 minutes after landing. On Oct. 22, 1975, Venera 9 landed on the surface of Venus. It took the first close-up photograph of the planet's surface. Three days later Venera 10 landed on Venus. Venera 10 took photographs of its surface and studied its rocks. In December 1978, Venera 11 and Venera 12 landed on Venus and sent back more data on the atmosphere of Venus. Venera 12 sent back data for 110 minutes (the longest of any Venera lander) before the effects of heat and pressure ended its mission. In March 1982 two more Soviet spacecraft landed on Venus - Venera 13 and Venera 14. They sent back images and studied soil.
是的,前蘇聯的幾個登陸器在金星上著陸。他們只能夠給我們的時間很短信息,因為極高的溫度和壓力金星使其在表面熔化並粉碎了太空船。金星7號在1970年12月15日,蘇聯無人駕駛飛船,成為第一艘降落在另一個星球上。並測梁在金星大氣的溫度。 1972年金星8號 收集大氣資訊和地表著陸後50分鐘收集數據。 1975年10月22日,金星9號降落在金星表面。拍到地表的特寫照片。三天後,金星10號在金星上著陸。金星10號拍了其表面的照片,並研究其岩石。 1978年12月,金星11號和金星12號降落在金星和傳回金星大氣層的數據。金星12號傳回110分鐘的數據  (最長的金星著陸器 )在他受金星熱和壓力的影響結束其使命前。在1982年3月,兩台蘇聯太空探測船降落在金星 - 金星13號 和金星14號。他們傳回的圖像和研究土壤。

What is the surface of Venus like?
The surface of Venus is a very hot and dry place. Most of the surface is made up of gently rolling plains. Venus has several large lowlands and two large highland areas which are about the size of Australia and South America. Venus has several mountains and volcanoes and much of its surface is covered with old lava flows. The highest mountain on Venus is Maxwell Montes. It is more than 7 miles high and is higher than Mt Everest. Venus does not have many craters because most meteors burn up in its thick atmosphere and many of the meteor craters which did exist have been covered by lava flows. The images above are computer generated views of the surface of Venus using information from radar maps of the surface. The atmosphere of Venus is too thick for us to see its surface, however, radar can pass through the thick atmosphere of Venus, allowing us to find out what the surface is like.
金星的表面是一個非常炎熱和乾燥的地方。大部分的表面是由起伏的平原。金星有幾個大的低地和兩個大的高原地區有澳大利亞和南美州般的大小。金星有幾個山脈和火山,其表面是與舊的熔岩流覆蓋。金星上最高的山峰是馬克斯威爾山。它是超過 7英里高,高於珠穆朗瑪峰(聖母峰)。金星不會有許多隕石坑,因為大多數流星燃燒在其厚厚的大氣層或者流星隕石坑確實存在許多但被熔岩流覆蓋。上面的圖像是計算機生成的金星表面的雷達地圖的信息,從表面來看。金星的大氣層是太厚無法看到其表面,但是,雷達可以穿過對金星厚的大氣層,使我們能夠找出表面像甚。

What is Venus made of?
Venus is made up of a central iron core and a rocky mantle, similar to the composition of Earth. Its atmosphere is mainly made up of carbon dioxide (96%) and nitrogen (3%), with small amounts of other gases. .
金星是由中央鐵芯和岩石地幔,類似地球的組成。它的大氣主要由二氧化碳(96%)和氮(3%) 少量其他氣體

How strong is the gravity on Venus?
Since Venus and Earth are almost the same size and have about the same mass, the surface gravity on Venus is almost the same as the surface gravity on Earth. The surface gravity on Venus is about 91% of the surface gravity on Earth, so if you weigh 100 pounds on Earth, you would weigh 91 pounds on Venus.
由於金星和地球幾乎相同的尺寸和大約相同的質量,對金星表面的重力幾乎是地球表面引力的的相同。金星表面的重力為地球表面引力91%左右, 因此,在地球上如果你的體重是100磅, 你金星上會是91磅。

How old is Venus?
Venus was formed at the same time as the rest of the solar system, from a large spinning disk of gas and dust. Astronomers think that all this happened about 4.6 billion years ago! So Venus is about 4.6 billion years old.
由於金星和地球幾乎  是在太陽系的其餘部分的同時形成的氣體和塵埃從一個大的旋轉盤,。天文學家認為,約 46億年前發生的這一切!因此,金星約 46億歲

Does Venus really spin backwards?
Yes, Venus spins backwards compared to most of the other planets. It spins or rotates in the opposite direction that Earth rotates. This means that on Venus the sun rises in the west and sets in the east. On Earth the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. Venus also spins very slowly - only once every 243 Earth days. Venus is the slowest spinning planet in the solar system. Actually, a day on Venus is longer than a year on Venus! A year on Venus (the time it takes for it to orbit the sun) is 225 Earth days.
是的,金星相比大多數其他行星自轉是向後旋轉。在地球自轉相反的方向旋轉或旋轉。這意味著,金星上的太陽升起在西方和落下在東方。地球上的太陽升起在東方落下在西方。金星旋轉速度非常慢 - 每243個地球日只有一次, 金星是太陽系中最慢的旋轉的行星。事實上,金星上的一天比一年金星上長!金星的一年(它圍繞太陽花費的時間 )是225個地球日。

How far is Venus from the sun?
The average distance of Venus from the sun is 67,237,910 miles or 108,208,930 km. Since Venus travels in an elliptical orbit around the sun, its distance from the sun varies throughout its year from 66,782,000 miles (107,476,000 km) to 67,693,000 miles (108,942,000 km).
金星離太陽的平均距離是六千七百二十三萬七千九百十英里或一億零820萬八千930公里。由於金星在圍繞太陽的橢圓軌道旅行,它從太陽的距離變化整個六六七八二零零零英里(10747.6萬公里)六七六九三〇〇〇英里(10894.2萬公里) 。

How far away is Venus from Earth?
The planet Venus is the second planet from the sun and Earth is the third. Venus is the closest planet to Earth. It is about 25 million miles (40 million kilometers) away from Earth.
金星從太陽數來的第二顆行星地球是第三顆。金星是最接近地球的行星。 離地球約 2500萬英里(4000萬公里)

How long does it take to get to Venus from Earth?
The distance between Earth and Venus varies depending on where the two planets are in their orbits around the sun. So the time it takes to travel to Venus from Earth depends on the distance between the two planets at the time of launch. It also depends on the speed of the spacecraft and the path chosen. Below is a list of launch and arrival times between Earth and Venus for some past missions.

Mariner 2    Aug 27, 1962    Dec 14, 1962
Mariner 5    June 14, 1967    Oct 19, 1967
Mariner 10    Nov 3, 1973    Feb 5, 1974
Pioneer    May 20, 1978    Dec 4, 1978
Magellan    May 4, 1989    Aug 10, 1990

How long is a day on Venus?
A planet's day is the time it takes the planet to rotate or spin once on its axis. Venus rotates much more slowly than Earth does, so a day on Venus is much longer than a day on Earth. A day on Venus lasts for 243 Earth days or 5,832 hours! A day on Earth is 23.943 hours. Venus also rotates backwards compared to the Earth and most of the other planets.

How long does it take Venus to go around the sun?
Venus revolves or orbits around the sun once every 0.615 Earth years, or once every 224.7 Earth days. Venus travels at an average speed of 78,341 miles per hour or 126,077 kilometers per hour in its orbit around the sun.
金星旋轉或繞太陽的軌道每隔0.615地球年,一次 224.7個地球日。它繞太陽的軌道的平均時速速度是七萬八千三百四十一英里或126077公里/HR ,

What color is Venus?
Planets have the colors that they have because of what they are made of and how their surfaces and/or atmospheres reflect and absorb sunlight. Venus is entirely covered with a thick carbon dioxide atmosphere and sulphuric acid clouds which give it a light yellowish appearance

主題: 回覆: NASA 天文的問題翻譯
作者: 伊琉沙2013-02-13 12:18:54
Mu Cephi - about 1500 times the size of our sun
Betelgeuse - about 900 times the size of our sun
Antares - about 530 times the size of our sun
Deneb - about 145 times the size of our sun


Mu Cephi – 約太陽的1500倍
參宿四 - 約太陽的900倍
安塔爾 - 約太陽的530倍
五帝 - 約太陽的145倍

補充#16 大瘋的翻譯

Mu Cephi = 造父四
Betelgeuse = 參宿四
Antares = 心宿二
Deneb = 天津四

主題: 回覆: NASA 天文的問題翻譯
作者: 大瘋起嘻2013-09-19 17:47:06
Mu Cephi - about 1500 times the size of our sun
Betelgeuse - about 900 times the size of our sun
Antares - about 530 times the size of our sun
Deneb - about 145 times the size of our sun


Mu Cephi – 約太陽的1500倍
參宿四 - 約太陽的900倍
安塔爾 - 約太陽的530倍
五帝 - 約太陽的145倍

補充#16 大瘋的翻譯

Mu Cephi = 造父四
Betelgeuse = 參宿四
Antares = 心宿二
Deneb = 天津四
