
討論區 => 天文新知 => 主題作者是: peter 於 2023-03-12 13:27:46

主題: 銀河系竟有恆星如此靠近「仙女座」天文學家:可能已經交疊了 _208新發現 天琴座RR 型變星
作者: peter2023-03-12 13:27:46

208新發現 天琴座RR 型變星    =  208 RR Lyrae stars
6萬5000 to 105萬光年 

銀河系竟有恆星如此靠近「仙女座」天文學家:可能已經交疊了  https://www.chinatimes.com/realtimenews/20230311000080-260408?chdtv

100光年 ?
 還是 100萬?


 these newfound stars do not reside in the Milky Way’s familiar thin disk, which is about 100,000 light-years across and home to most of our galaxy’s young stars.

 208 RR Lyrae stars detected by the team range in distance from 20 to 320 kiloparsecs, or about 65,000 to 1.05 million light-years from the galactic core. “Our observations confirm the theoretical estimates of the size of the halo,” Feng said, “so that’s an important result.”

Milky Way’s farthest stars reach halfway to Andromeda

astronomers said they’ve discovered 208 new variable stars – called RR Lyrae stars – in the halo. The farthest ones are over a million light-years distant, reaching nearly halfway to the Andromeda galaxy, next door.

主題: 回覆: 銀河系竟有恆星如此靠近「仙女座」天文學家:可能已經交疊了 _208新發現 天琴座RR 型變星
作者: 吳柏賢2023-03-13 01:05:06
是100萬光年 沒錯