
討論區 => 天文新知 => 主題作者是: peter 於 2022-11-03 12:14:33

主題: 牽引式滑翔機空中發射系統 Towed-Glider Air Launch System (TGALS)
作者: peter2022-11-03 12:14:33
牽引式滑翔機空中發射系統  Towed-Glider Air Launch System (TGALS)  


牽引式滑翔機空中發射系統是NASA設計的兩級空中發射可重複使用的發射系統,目前由NASA的阿姆斯特朗飛行研究中心(Armstrong Flight Research Center)開發。該系統使用滑翔機,牽引飛機和火箭,旨在將小型衛星送入軌道。滑翔機和牽引飛機都是可重複使用的。

Towed-Glider Air Launch System (TGALS), uses three very different stages – a business jet, and glider, and two separate rockets – sort of. But its main advantage means that any airport large enough to host a business jet could also become a spaceport.