
討論區 => 天文新知 => 主題作者是: peter 於 2019-09-04 09:25:08

主題: 蓋亞任務分析銀河系的恆星 _奇怪的恒星弦
作者: peter2019-09-04 09:25:08
Figure 21: This diagram shows a face-on view of stellar ‘families’ – clusters (dots) and co-moving groups (thick lines) of stars – within about 3000 light-years from the Sun, which is located at the center of the image. The diagram is based on data from the second data release of ESA’s Gaia mission. Each family is identified with a different color and comprises a population of stars that formed at the same time. Purple hues represent the oldest stellar populations, which formed around 1 billion years ago; blue and green hues represent intermediate ages, with stars that formed hundreds of millions of years ago; orange and red hues show the youngest stellar populations, which formed less than a hundred million years ago. Thin lines show the predicted velocities of each group of stars over the next 5 million years, based on Gaia’s measurements. The lack of structures at the center is an artefact of the method used to trace individual populations, not due to a physical bubble (image credit: M. Kounkel & K. Covey (2019))



主題: 回覆: 蓋亞任務分析銀河系的恆星 _奇怪的恒星弦
作者: peter2019-09-06 09:09:15