
討論區 => 天文新知 => 主題作者是: peter 於 2017-07-04 07:49:10

主題: 雙子星北邊望遠鏡拍木星 先幫JUNO 看一下
作者: peter2017-07-04 07:49:10

Gemini North Telescope’s Near-InfraRed Imager (NIRI) on May 18, 2017



主題: 回覆: 北雙子星 望遠鏡拍木星 先幫JUNO 看一下
作者: peter2017-07-04 07:51:32

朱諾探測器正在悄悄地準備最新探索,這個探測器將在大紅點幾千里之內,探索風暴,希望揭示其中的一些奧秘。毫無疑問,在這個過程中朱諾探測器將拍攝一些令人驚嘆的照片。7月4日朱諾探測器到達木星軌道一周年,早期的觀察讓天文學家認為木星的風暴超過此前預期,其中沒有哪個地方比大紅斑更加狂暴,這是一個長達10000英里(16000公里)的風暴,可能在木星表面已經存在350年。在7月11日(星期二)UTC時間凌晨2:06,朱諾探測器將在大紅點上方5600英里(9012公里)的高度飛過,探測器的八個儀器將全部接通,以研究風暴,包括其成像儀,所以我們期望在不久的將來看到一些非常驚人的特寫鏡頭。朱諾計劃首席研究員Scott Bolton表示:“木星的神秘大紅點可能是木星最著名的特征。 這個巨大的風暴已經在太陽系最大的星球上肆虐了幾個世紀,

主題: 回覆: 雙子星北邊望遠鏡拍木星 先幫JUNO 看一下
作者: peter2017-07-04 09:43:26
Subaru Telescope 



Image of Jupiter taken on May 18, 2017, one day before the Juno spacecraft's sixth close approach to Jupiter, taken with a filter centered at 8.8 microns that is sensitive to Jupiter's tropospheric temperatures and the thickness of a cloud near the condensation level of ammonia gas. The Great Red Spot appears distinctively at the lower center of the planet as a cold region with a thick cloud layer. It is surrounded by a warm and relatively clear periphery. To its northwest is a turbulent and chaotic region of gas with bands of alternative warm, dry and cold, moist gas. Many other features are also present. This image shows the detailed atmospheric structure of the Great Red Spot and its surroundings that the Juno mission will encounter on its seventh closest approach to Jupiter on July 11, 2017. The instrument used to take these images is Subaru Telescope's facility instrument COoled Mid-Infrared Camera / Spectrometer (COMICS).
Credit: NAOJ and JPL