
討論區 => 星際大廳、哈拉區 => 主題作者是: Tom 於 2014-01-09 11:01:55

主題: Registration fee, Member ship fee => Confusion
作者: Tom2014-01-09 11:01:55
Please take my apologies for posting maybe in the wrong section, however I saw on the Index Page about the membership fee.
So I am member of this board now for almost 1 year and saw there is a annual membership fee.
Paying for this is no problem, however, who do I notice about my payment?
The link on the Index page shows only "這個主題或板面並不存在, 或無權限瀏覽."
Also, it seems I never paid the sign-up fee.
So am I right, I have to wire the sign-up fee from last year (200NT if I am correct) and the annual membership fee?

Would really appreciate if someone could confirm this and tell me to whom I sent the payment proof.


主題: 回覆: Registration fee, Member ship fee => Confusion
作者: 曹大貓咪2014-01-09 11:38:36

主題: 回覆: Registration fee, Member ship fee => Confusion
作者: aa2014-01-09 18:46:36


主題: 回覆: Registration fee, Member ship fee => Confusion
作者: Tom2014-01-10 10:36:56
Thanks, however, the website doesn't accept my ID number:
Message: [ 身份證號碼 ] 第二碼有問題
Problem is, as a foreigner I have my ID number starting with 2 letters following 8 numbers.
I registered now as 贊助會員 and not as 個人會員 what I normally wanted, because 贊助會員 doesn't require an ID number.
