
討論區 => 天文新知 => 主題作者是: peter 於 2020-11-12 16:34:31

主題: C/2020 S3 ( Erasmus )
作者: peter2020-11-12 16:34:31





主題: 回覆: C/2020 S3 ( Erasmus )
作者: peter2020-11-16 09:53:44

15-Passes near (2’) the +2.6 magnitude star Gienah (Gamma Corvi)

19-Reaches closest Earth approach, at 1.038 Astronomical Units (AU) distant

21-Crosses into the constellation of Virgo the Maiden

28-Crosses into the constellation of Hydra the Sea Serpent

30-Crosses into the constellation of Libra the Scales




1-May top out at magnitude +6

9-Crosses into the constellation of Scorpius the Scorpion

10-Passes near the +2.3 magnitude star Dschubba (Delta Scorpii)

12-Reaches perihelion at 0.396 Astronomical Units (AU) from the Sun

12-Passes near the globular cluster Messier 80

13-Crosses into the constellation Ophiuchus the Serpent Bearer

13-Occulted by the Moon (in the daytime for NW Canada)

14-Crosses the ecliptic plane northward

18-Passes near the +4.4 magnitude star Xi Ophiuchi

18-Enters the field of view of SOHO’s LASCO C3 viewer

22-Crosses into the constellation of Sagittaurius the Archer

23-Transits the open cluster Messier 23

24-Passes 5 degrees from the Sun

25-Crosses the galactic plane southward

26-Passes near the open star cluster Messier 18

27-Passes between the open star cluster Messier 25 (2 degrees) and the Omega Nebula Messier 17 (1.75 degrees)

31-Exits the field of view of SOHO’s LASCO C3 coronagraph imager

31-Enters the constellation of Scutum the Shield

主題: 回覆: C/2020 S3 ( Erasmus )
作者: peter2020-11-17 07:54:26


主題: 回覆: C/2020 S3 ( Erasmus )
作者: peter2021-01-03 17:46:58

