
討論區 => 天文新知 => 主題作者是: 吳柏賢 於 2022-06-19 18:36:04

主題: 策 (恆星)= γ Cas 可能是由8個恆星組成的系統 , 目前已知多恆星系統的記錄
作者: 吳柏賢2022-06-19 18:36:04
策 (恆星) γ Cas 可能是由8個恆星組成的系統 , 目前已知多恆星系統的記錄 (超越原紀錄的7顆天蠍座ν和仙后座AR=螣蛇十四)


詳細的資料 請看這篇論文預印本的第23頁
策 (恆星)= Gamma Cassiopeiae= γ Cas= WDS 00567+6043AB

A恆星系統 包含3顆恆星   => WDS 00567+6043
Aa ,Ab ,AB

另一個恆星系統WDS 00568+6022 包含5顆恆星
Aa, Ab, Aab,Ac,AB

The WDS Notes further mention that the D component of
WDS 00567+6043 is the A component of WDS 00568+6022

Based on the available evidence, we conclude the combined
WDS 00567+6043 plus WDS 00568+6022 system is a
hierarchical multiple consisting of eight components.
那兩個恆星系統 組成一個8個恆星的系統


Septenary 七個恆星組成的系統
Nu Scorpii[56] =天蠍座ν
AR Cassiopeiae[57] =螣蛇十四

Octonary 八個恆星組成的系統
Gamma Cassiopeiae[58]= 策 (恆星)

主題: 回覆: 策 (恆星)= γ Cas 可能是由8個恆星組成的系統 , 目前已知多恆星系統的記錄
作者: peter2022-06-20 08:55:16
 γ Cas = WDS 00568+6043  跟  WDS 00568+6022  ?  如果真同一個  那應該   會同.  目前應該還只懷疑

IC 59 +   IC 63  +   HR 266  (WDS J00568+6022)

WDS J00568+6022  離   1274"    γ Cas


 a triple system (WDS J00567+6043) that illuminates two arc-shaped nebulae: IC 59 and IC 63. The HR 266 system (WDS J00568+6022) is a massive quadruple lying 1274" away from gamma Cas (projected separation 1.0 pc), opposite of the reflection nebulae, which appears to be physically associated with this system based on common proper motion, radial velocity, and parallax. The entire gamma Cas system appears to constitute a massive septuplet (at least), with approximately 15 MSun in mass associated with the gamma Cas triplet, and about 13.5 MSun in mass associated with the HR 266 quadruplet. The gamma Cas system appears to be one of the highest multiplicity systems known (N=7).

問題  恆星間到底可分多遠???   幾光年內都能算  ?