
討論區 => 天文新知 => 主題作者是: peter 於 2017-10-31 17:19:15

主題: 獅子座流星雨 11月17 晚到 18日 登場
作者: peter2017-10-31 17:19:15





Major shower for this month is Leonids, peaking November 17, 16h30m UT (nodal crossing) with ZHR around 10-15 hr-1. Since last perihelion passage of parent Comet (55P/Tempel-Tuttle) was in 1998, only minor enhancements can be expected this year.
Mikhail Maslov's calculations indicate a chance for a narrow trail of meteoroids released from the parent comet in 1300 on November 16, 17h07m UT, with ZHR around 10 hr-1 and composed of bright meteors.

Have a look also to α-Monocerotids. Their most recent outburst was observed in 1995 , with top EZHR of about 420, lasted for five minutes, while the entire outburst lasted 30 minutes. Recent modelling by Esko Lyytinen has indicated that the main AMO trail will cross Earth's orbit again in 2017 and 2020, but the Earth will not be near these points in November, so nothing significant is likely to happen. A weak return may occur in 2019 (ahead of the 2020 encounter) depending on how broad the trail may be. The next strong AMO outburst is unlikely before 2043. A possible dust trail approach has been suggested by Mikiya Sato on 2017 November 21st, 21h26m UT, but this activity should have been announced by a similar enhancement on November 21st, 2016, which has not been actually detected.

主題: 回覆: 獅子座流星雨 11月18日 登場
作者: peter2017-11-11 19:26:30

