
討論區 => 天文新知 => 主題作者是: peter 於 2015-03-07 08:00:50

主題: 同好拍的火星和 哈伯望遠鏡 比看看
作者: peter2015-03-07 08:00:50

On Earth, Don Parker’s Mars images were hard to beat, but the Hubble Space Telescope—six times larger than his 16-inch ‘scope and, more importantly, above the atmosphere—easily pulled it off. In this pair of images taken around the time of the planet’s closest approach in 2003, the giant volcano Olympus Mons is the small, bright circular feature above center. Image courtesy Andrew Chaikin.

主題: 回覆: 同好拍的火星和 哈伯望遠鏡 比看看
作者: TS2015-03-07 09:35:39

On Earth, Don Parker’s Mars images were hard to beat, but the Hubble Space Telescope—six times larger than his 16-inch ‘scope and, more importantly, above the atmosphere—easily pulled it off. In this pair of images taken around the time of the planet’s closest approach in 2003, the giant volcano Olympus Mons is the small, bright circular feature above center. Image courtesy Andrew Chaikin.

很可惜的... Don Parker 上個月底剛剛過世

CMO 有很多很多火星觀測記錄與相片, 當然也有 Don Parker 的, 他也是 CMO 的顧問之一