
討論區 => 天文新知 => 主題作者是: peter 於 2017-03-04 21:47:39

主題: VLT 拍NGC1055
作者: peter2017-03-04 21:47:39

This colourful stripe of stars, gas, and dust is actually a spiral galaxy named NGC 1055. Captured here by ESO’s Very Large Telescope (VLT), this big galaxy is thought to be up to 15 percent larger in diameter than the Milky Way. NGC 1055 appears to lack the whirling arms characteristic of a spiral, as it is seen edge-on. However, it displays odd twists in its structure that were probably caused by an interaction with a large neighbouring galaxy.




眺鯨魚座的清晰影像裡,右上角的大旋螺星系NGC 1055與螺旋星系M77一同現蹤。側視螺旋星系NGC 1055的細窄、滿是塵埃外觀,和正視星系M77的明亮核心和螺旋臂形成了鮮明的對比。這二個大小都超過10萬光年的星系對,是離我們6千萬光年一個小型星系群的大型成員。在此距離下,M77是梅西葉星表裡最遙遠的天體,並和同伴星系NGC 1055間隔至少50萬光年。在這幅視野和天空中的滿月相當之影像裡,還可見到帶著星芒的銀河系恆星及其他更遙遠的背景星系。(Cetus 鯨魚座)