
討論區 => 天文新知 => 主題作者是: peter 於 2018-12-23 18:24:38

主題: 2018 YW 小行星 0.33 AU from Earth on January 19
作者: peter2018-12-23 18:24:38


While there is a lot of attention being given to C/2018 Y1 (and rightly so) right now, it turns out that there is another object also announced yesterday that might prove interesting. 2018 YW is in a distinctly cometary orbit (e = 0.77, P = 7.5 years) and passes perihelion (q = 0.89 AU) near the end of February; while inbound to perihelion it passes 0.33 AU from Earth on January 19. It might be worth keeping an eye on it in case it becomes active

主題: 回覆: 2018 YW 彗星 0.33 AU from Earth on January 19
作者: peter2018-12-25 12:52:56