反而是假如有一天,拍到的系外行星是距離母星很近,溫度又很低的,我才會大吃一驚 ,現有的所有望遠鏡應該都還沒有這個能力
我們可能要耐心等待下一代的太空望遠鏡/地面30米 等級的望遠鏡,才有一些機會
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Methods_of_detecting_exoplanets#Direct_imagingDirect imaging裡面有一段 給大家參考
All exoplanets that have been directly imaged are both large (more massive than Jupiter) and widely separated from their parent star. Most of them are also very hot, so that they emit intense infrared radiation; the images have then been made at infrared where the planet is brighter than it is at visible wavelengths. During the gas-accretion phase of giant planet formation the star–planet contrast may be even better in H alpha than it is in infrared - an H alpha survey is currently underway
目前能直接被拍到的系外行星, 都是
1. 很大的系外行星 (除了北落師門b 有些爭議外) 其他的都遠遠大於木星
2. 距離母星很遙遠 (這樣才不會被母星的光芒蓋掉了)
3. 很年輕的行星 (溫度夠高,才能在紅外線波段中 拍到)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_directly_imaged_exoplanets目前被直接拍到的系外行星 列表,基本上都符合上述三點
最冷也是最老的是: 室女座59 b ,表面溫度約240度C