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« 回覆文章 #6 於: 2015-05-27 12:12:52 » |
對變星有興趣的鄉親和同好們,如果有興趣參加104屆 春季AAVSO變星會議 ,可在以下的時間和AAVSO取得聯繫.可發表觀測心得或問題互動.這是已有數十年的歷史會議.幫助全世界變星觀測家最佳研究報告和觀測心得資訊交流...
104th Spring Meeting of the AAVSO
Dear Young Chiech,
Our AAVSO meetings are excellent places to interact with your community and get a comprehensive update on new and existing projects. At the same time, we understand that it is not always possible to participate in person. Therefore, this year, for the first time, we are providing the opportunity for you to join our Spring meeting remotely and also to access the recorded oral sessions after the meeting.
As an online meeting attendee, you will have access to:
Paper Sessions: We are light! Keeping with our meeting theme, papers on any topic dealing with the variable light from the night sky or the sun will be presented.
First session: Friday, June 6, starting at 1300 UT Second session: Saturday, June 7, starting at 1800 UT
Membership Meeting and Awards Presentation: This will be held on Saturday morning (Eastern Daylight Time) with the aim to inform attendees of the activities of the Association. The Treasurer's and Director’s Reports will be included. We will leave plenty of time for Q&A and will be taking questions both in person and online.
Saturday, June 7, starting at 1300 UT
We will be using a webinar service to broadcast the meeting. Video will consist primarily of the presenter's PowerPoint presentation with occasional webcam shots. We will also give online participants access to recordings of each session for a limited time (2-3 months) after the meeting, in case the time of the live presentations is not convenient.
Thank you for your dedication to the AAVSO. Your continued support is essential for the Association to fulfill our mission. I hope to “see” you online in June!
Best wishes – clear skies,
Copyright © 2015 American Association of Variable Star Observers, All rights reserved. We hope you will join us online!
Our mailing address is:
American Association of Variable Star Observers
49 Bay State Rd. Cambridge, MA 02138 *.老貓已有近百顆脈動長周期變星觀測數據和數篇觀測整理及分析資料提供給AAVSO.盡了一分小小台灣天文同好在世界性觀測合作的義務.也希望有興趣的鄉親和同好加入變星觀測和AAVSO.