
討論區 => 天文新知 => 主題作者是: peter 於 2017-02-16 08:45:26

主題: HAT-P-2b 系外行星跟母星亮度變化有關係
作者: peter2017-02-16 08:45:26
400光年外   HAT-P-2  有顆質量木星 8倍 類木行星

 似乎在跟行星的軌道頻率的倍數 有類似共振諧波,

For the first time, astronomers have observed a star pulsing in response to its orbiting planet. The star, HAT-P-2, pictured, is one of the most massive exoplanets known today. The planet, named HAT-P-2b, tracks its star in a highly eccentric orbit, flying extremely close to and around the star, then hurtling far out before eventually circling back around.
