
討論區 => 天文新知 => 主題作者是: peter 於 2024-08-23 14:29:16

主題: WOW 信號 新解釋
作者: peter2024-08-23 14:29:16
WOW 信號 新解釋




在人馬座(Sagittarius,也稱射手座)方向,距離我們1800光年處,找到一個編號「2MASS 19281982-2640123」的恆星,


主題: 回覆: WOW 信號 新解釋
作者: peter2024-08-23 14:32:40
WOW 信號 新解釋 輻射 穿越冷氫氣雲 

That leaves us with trying to find a natural explanation for the signal, which is what Méndez and his team have been attempting. Specifically, they looked for brief emissions of narrowband radiowaves similar in frequency to the Wow! signal in archived data from the now-retired Arecibo Observatory's Radio Emissions from Red Dwarf Stars (REDS) project.

They found four records worthy of further investigation, spotted coming from the vicinity of a tiny red dwarf named Teegarden's Star just 12.5 light-years away. Though fainter than the Wow! signal, they were similar enough that they could provide clues about the famous signal's origin.

According to the team's analysis, the signals near Teegarden's Star are associated with interstellar clouds of cold hydrogen. This points to a potential mechanism for the Wow! signal: a powerful flare of radiation traveling through a cloud of cold hydrogen, stimulating the gas to produce a powerful pulse of radiation close to 1420 MHz.


2020 /2 ~5 有發現類似 WOW 信號 , 可能輻射 穿越冷氫氣雲 

TeeGarden 紅矮星