主題: celestia天文軟體 3d 模型 有PC 和免安裝的版本了 作者: peter 於 2008-10-31 16:24:14 mac OS 上除 starryNight
還有這套 http://www.shatters.net/celestia/download.html Celestia 1.5.1 Please select the appropriate Celestia 1.5.1 package for your computer from the list below. Downloads are all hosted by SourceForge, meaning you are required to select a download server after clicking on the link. As a result, right-clicking on a link and selecting "Save as..." may not work as expected. * Windows The Windows package of Celestia is a self-extracting archive; download it to your computer and then run it. * Mac OS X The Mac OS X package is a disk image. Download it to your computer, double click it, and follow the instructions in the README. * Linux (x86) Version 1.4.1 If you are running Linux, you should check first with your distribution; there is a good chance that the package is available to you in the format best suited to your installation. A pre-compiled 32-bit version is provided in the autopackage format. It should run on any distribution that has OpenGL and GTK+ 2.6. * Source Code Celestia is an open-source project. As such, its source code is provided and is freely modifiable and redistributable as per the GNU Public License. Installation instructions are provided in the INSTALL file == 有linux 可以裝看看 Others software http://astro.nineplanets.org/astrosoftware.html 主題: 回覆: celestia天文軟體 有 Mac linux 版本 作者: peter 於 2010-10-16 09:05:06 好像 pc 版本
http://www.shatters.net/celestia/ wiki 說明 http://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-tw/Celestia 還有中文版也有了Celestia 1.6.0rc3中文版- http://www.11mc.cn/celestia.html 免安裝版本 http://portableapps.com/apps/education/celestia_portable 我最喜歡這類軟體 . 主題: 回覆: celestia天文軟體 有PC 和免安裝的版本了 作者: peter 於 2013-11-20 22:38:10 celestia 有免費3D MODEL 抓到放 extra folder http://www.celestiamotherlode.net/catalog/saturn.php 不過還不太會使用 大概打 1. enter 2. 選M4 出現 M42 M43 M42 3. g => GO 主題: 回覆: celestia天文軟體 有PC 和免安裝的版本了 作者: peter 於 2013-11-20 22:39:46 4. shift up/down 可改變M42 3D view
其他 深空天體也有 3D model 好像還有 Star Trek .. 再來把ISON 加入 ..找這套是想OFF LINE 可以 SHOW 彗星軌道 來到這邊 http://astroblogger.blogspot.tw/2013/09/comet-c2012-s1-ison-in-celestia.html below and save as it as a text file 2012S1.ssc in the Celestia extras folder. ======================2012S1.ssc============================= "C2012S1:ISON" "Sol" { Class "comet" # Just copying the data for Halley Mesh "halley.cmod" Texture "asteroid.jpg" Radius 5 # best guess at maximum semi-axis MeshCenter [ -0.338 1.303 0.230 ] # Data from latest JPL Horizons orbit as of 15 Sep 2013 # Comet has a hyperbolic orbit, so Celestia will not show an orbit track # EllipticalOrbit { Epoch 2456625.280420214468 # 2013-Nov-28.78042021 TT Period 165849.9873 # (q/(e-1))^1.5 hyperbolic orbit SemiMajorAxis -3018.632859 #Hyperbolic orbit PericenterDistance 0.01249597828341519 Eccentricity 1.000004139615141 Inclination 61.91714591634256 AscendingNode 295.7273670259968 ArgOfPericenter 345.5153902820819 MeanAnomaly 0.0 } # Again, this data is copied straight from the ssc files for Halleys’ Comet # chaotic rotation, imperfectly defined: # this version from "The New Solar System", 4th Edition; Eds. # JK Beatty, CC Petersen, A Chaikin PrecessingRotation { Period 170 # 7.1 day axial rotation period Inclination 66 PrecessionPeriod 3457004.12 # 3.7 day precession period } Albedo 0.8 } => save 成 2012s1.ssc 我是放到 extra folder2012s1 下 主題: 回覆: celestia天文軟體 有PC 和免安裝的版本了 作者: peter 於 2013-11-20 22:47:54 一樣不過 好像到M42 無法看到太陽系
那先離開軟體 反正免安裝軟體 直接點在重跑逼次 選太陽系 發現 2012S1 彗星了 但是 ..怎會是岩石圖案 ? 好吧滑鼠中KEY 縮小吧.. 一樣 shift up/down 改變軌道可看到 3D 軌道圖 不過 celestia 是否無法站地面看?? youtube 這套是那個軟體 ?? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uyV6GJdFFGo&hd=1 目前地面看有 stellarium 可以模擬 那如果看 3D ISON comet 除了 http://www.solarsystemscope.com/ http://www.solarsystemscope.com/ison/ ISON 3D MODEL 大家可離線使用 celestia 來教學吧..還有沒有其他 軌道模擬軟體 ?? 主題: 回覆: celestia天文軟體 有PC 和免安裝的版本了 作者: peter 於 2015-09-07 09:04:42 一些星雲的 3d 圖
http://www.celestiamotherlode.net/catalog/nonmessiernebulae.php 太空船 http://www.celestiamotherlode.net/ 這套是免費的天文軟體 VIDEO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dFht9LOgbNQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IZLZH1KVQhI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VxACWRo6mu4 主題: 回覆: celestia天文軟體 3d 模型 有PC 和免安裝的版本了 作者: peter 於 2015-09-07 13:19:16 3d m42
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=acI5coqyg0I 馬頭 3d https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-PQpNb_yJVE Eta Carinae Nebula 3d https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FN-_6mUzLhc Eagle Nebula https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=byP_9kRARmE ic1396 (http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-3tlf82_FKGE/UGvwJifnJ-I/AAAAAAAAHbc/4UY_f59E8nE/s0/IC1396_animation2.gif) http://blogs.discovermagazine.com/badastronomy/2012/10/08/jaw-dropping-rotating-3d-nebula/ create 3d https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x1N4rAKvwts https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xdv0v_of1tg 主題: 回覆: celestia天文軟體 3d 模型 有PC 和免安裝的版本了 作者: peter 於 2015-09-07 13:31:06 3d moon http://giphy.com/gifs/3d-space-black-J0BJUBUiiYZDq galaxy http://giphy.com/gifs/galaxy-rotate-a954rVI1DTerC |