主題: C/2013 X1 ( PanSTARRS ) 作者: peter 於 2015-11-05 20:30:08 c/2013 x1 在英仙
http://www.aerith.net/comet/catalog/2013X1/2013X1.html (http://www.aerith.net/comet/catalog/2013X1/chart1.gif) (http://www.aerith.net/comet/catalog/2013X1/mag.gif) 好像說 10~12 等間 還不夠亮.. 有上山或許 可以連加洲星雲一起拍看看 國外 http://www.astronomo.org/foro/index.php?topic=19155.0 (https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5788/22244532178_54525ef79e_b.jpg) http://www.virtualtelescope.eu/2015/11/04/comet-c2013-x1-panstarrs-an-image-2-nov-2015/ 主題: 回覆: C/2013 X1 ( PanSTARRS ) 在英仙有上山的可以連加洲星雲一起拍看看 作者: peter 於 2015-11-05 23:38:37 http://d.hatena.ne.jp/esutei/
(http://cdn-ak.f.st-hatena.com/images/fotolife/e/esutei/20151105/20151105225050.jpg) 主題: 回覆: C/2013 X1 ( PanSTARRS ) 在英仙有上山的可以連加洲星雲一起拍看看 作者: 小磊磊 於 2015-11-06 09:38:02 請問一般我們使用 stellarium 軟體用哪一個座標會比較好? 赤經/赤緯(J2000): 與 赤經/赤緯(J2000): 有何不同? 主題: 回覆: C/2013 X1 ( PanSTARRS ) 在英仙有上山的可以連加洲星雲一起拍看看 作者: peter 於 2015-11-06 11:20:07 google find https://www.ptt.cc/bbs/sky/M.1270570301.A.283.html http://zhidao.baidu.com/question/376449664.html J2000的意思是2000年 春分點的天球座標系統 有(日期)的那一項是指以現在的天球座標系來看的值 其實差異是有, 但是 比較小 . 主題: 回覆: C/2013 X1 ( PanSTARRS ) 在英仙有上山的可以連加洲星雲一起拍看看 作者: peter 於 2015-11-22 11:07:14 http://spaceweathergallery.com/indiv_upload.php?upload_id=120138&PHPSESSID=bkhs3v9d97n1pmr7t1or337993
(http://0e33611cb8e6da737d5c-e13b5a910e105e07f9070866adaae10b.r15.cf1.rackcdn.com/Dr-Paolo-Candy-Pan_X1_181115-2_1447976605_lg.jpg) Taken by Dr Paolo Candy on November 17, 2015 @ Ci.A.O. Cimini Astronomical Observatory - Italy http://familystar.org.tw/forum/index.php?topic=24908.0 == 日期 Top R.A. Top Dec R (AU) 距离 Mag 24 四月 2016 23h 30m 42.7s -00°27' 28" 1.3151 1.8966 8.1 29 四月 2016 23h 28m 53.9s -01°31' 48" 1.3200 1.7893 8.0 04 五月 2016 23h 26m 28.2s -02°46' 53" 1.3292 1.6743 7.8 09 五月 2016 23h 23m 13.1s -04°16' 10" 1.3424 1.5526 7.7 14 五月 2016 23h 18m 50.9s -06°04' 21" 1.3596 1.4258 7.6 19 五月 2016 23h 12m 55.9s -08°18' 00" 1.3805 1.2955 7.5 24 五月 2016 23h 04m 49.5s -11°06' 13" 1.4049 1.1638 7.3 29 五月 2016 22h 53m 30.4s -14°41' 39" 1.4325 1.0339 7.1 03 六月 2016 22h 37m 17.9s -19°20' 46" 1.4632 0.9099 7.0 08 六月 2016 22h 13m 23.3s -25°20' 36" 1.4967 0.7983 6.8 13 六月 2016 21h 37m 08.6s -32°44' 14" 1.5326 0.7085 6.6 18 六月 2016 20h 42m 03.1s -40°43' 28" 1.5708 0.6526 6.5 23 六月 2016 19h 24m 34.5s -47°01' 16" 1.6111 0.6420 6.6 28 六月 2016 17h 57m 03.9s -49°11' 25" 1.6531 0.6803 6.8 03 七月 2016 16h 43m 19.4s -47°32' 34" 1.6967 0.7610 7.2 08 七月 2016 15h 52m 18.6s -44°17' 14" 1.7418 0.8726 7.6 13 七月 2016 15h 19m 09.9s -40°57' 11" 1.7880 1.0047 8.0 主題: 回覆: C/2013 X1 ( PanSTARRS ) 作者: peter 於 2015-11-22 11:14:17 http://blog.astronomypage.ru/c2013-x1-2111-3011/
(http://blog.astronomypage.ru/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/2013X1-3.jpg) 主題: 回覆: C/2013 X1 ( PanSTARRS ) 作者: peter 於 2015-11-23 23:45:22 12/12 晚上 在 m31 m33 間
C/2013 US10 (Catalina): 2015 Nov. 22.25 UT: m1=6.0:, Dia.=3', DC=5, 25x100B. [ Altitude: 4 deg. Astronomical twilight. Zodiacal light.]. 2015 Nov. 23.25 UT: m1=5.7, Dia.=4', DC=5, Tail: 0.2 deg. in PA 280 deg.; 25x100B. [ Altitude: 5 deg. Comparison stars at the same low altitude as the comet. Astronomical twilight. Zodiacal light. Observation made under better conditions, from a higher and darker mountain location, providing a wider coma diameter and brighter m1 estimate in comparison with my previous Nov. 22.25 observation.]. C/2013 X1 (PANSTARRS): 2015 Nov. 23.22 UT: m1=9.6, Dia.=5', DC=3, 20 cm SCT (77x). [ Faint outer coma. Mountain location, very clear sky.]. C/2014 S2 (PANSTARRS): 2015 Nov. 23.21 UT: m1=8.5, Dia.=6', DC=4, 10x50B. [ In 20 cm SCT (77x): m1=9.4, Dia.=4', DC=5, Tail: 0.15 deg. in PA 30 deg.; near-stellar central condensation, m2=11.5: (Tycho-2).]. C/2014 W2 (PANSTARRS): 2015 Nov. 23.23 UT: m1=11.0, Dia.=4', DC=2/, 20 cm SCT (77x). [ Faint outer coma.]. 主題: 回覆: C/2013 X1 ( PanSTARRS ) 作者: peter 於 2015-11-23 23:49:58 http://spaceweathergallery.com/indiv_upload.php?upload_id=120211&PHPSESSID=dn5tktsgvv4nelji1fubmea9v4
(http://0e33611cb8e6da737d5c-e13b5a910e105e07f9070866adaae10b.r15.cf1.rackcdn.com/Randy-Carter-IMG_7917---Copy-2_1448283412_lg.jpg) http://ulocal.koat.com/mediadetail/24221250-Comet-C/2013-X1-%28PANSTARRS%29-?gid=76455&uid=&sort=upload%20DESC&offset=6 (http://rstorage.filemobile.com/storage/24221250/15) 主題: 回覆: C/2013 X1 ( PanSTARRS ) 作者: TT 於 2015-11-24 11:12:51 11月7日 台北
(https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5717/22473024269_5844c13799_z.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/AeS8aF) C/2013 X1 (PANSTARRS) (https://flic.kr/p/AeS8aF) by Titus Ou (https://www.flickr.com/photos/titusou/), on Flickr 10月18日 台北 (https://farm6.staticflickr.com/5679/22251300775_4786bec7ec_z.jpg) (https://flic.kr/p/zUgJuP) C/2013 X1 (PANSTARRS) (https://flic.kr/p/zUgJuP) by Titus Ou (https://www.flickr.com/photos/titusou/), on Flickr 主題: 回覆: C/2013 X1 ( PanSTARRS ) 作者: peter 於 2015-11-24 12:12:19 16:47 ~17:19 下午拍 ??
主題: 回覆: C/2013 X1 ( PanSTARRS ) 作者: TT 於 2015-11-24 16:43:26 |