主題: Skywatcher AZ EQ6 GEQ 开始接受预定 作者: 浙江方舟 於 2012-12-04 16:00:17 大概12.12-20日可以交货,第一批数量有限,预定的赠送专用适配器1个,天文年历1份。
详细价格过几天确定,目前支付1000元定金就可以 http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?spm=a1z10.3.0.125.rxfoQt&id=19627620704& EQ6新版改动: 1,去掉重锤而在重锤杆一端加上第二个平台(鸠尾槽) 2,改变底座形式类似CGE Pro的底座,适应全球纬度并可作经纬仪用 3,更新图形界面线控,外观类似游戏机 4,减轻26%重量,可能主要是底座改变的缘故 IncomingWe have recieved news of a new Skywatcher AZ EQ6 mount that is described as a "Dual-load, dual-purpose heavy-duty mount incorporating both Alt-Azimuth & Equatorial GOTO functions". Features •Intelligent astronomic platform offering star charts driven pointing with a new Synscan Tour graphical handset •Incorporates a second platform where the counterweight bar can be replaced by a useful second telescope, such as a guidescope. •Worldwide AZimuthal and EQuatorial platform for all latitudes. •Can be used as a high stability platform for wildlife and landscape observation. •Stable yet portable. It is 26% lighter than the original EQ6 mount. No news yet of a launch date or price but we are expecting it to arrive around the end of this year 主題: 回覆: Skywatcher AZ EQ6 GEQ 开始接受预定 作者: 浙江方舟 於 2012-12-15 16:24:55 到货了,现货供应。 详细看这里: |