主題: 詢問 Focal Reducer VC200L F/6.4 的鏡後距 作者: cuteip 於 2012-01-06 16:28:09 有鄉親知道嗎?
主題: 回覆: 詢問 Focal Reducer VC200L F/6.4 的鏡後距 作者: 阿炫 於 2012-01-06 17:28:05 http://www.company7.com/vixen/telescopespecs.html
直焦142.9mm / 減焦 86mm 主題: 回覆: 詢問 Focal Reducer VC200L F/6.4 的鏡後距 作者: cuteip 於 2012-01-06 17:42:42 http://www.company7.com/vixen/telescopespecs.html 直焦142.9mm / 減焦 86mm 謝謝炫大 因為要自製接環所以要問清楚 主題: 回覆: 詢問 Focal Reducer VC200L F/6.4 的鏡後距 作者: cuteip 於 2012-01-13 22:45:54 再問一個複雜的問題
VC200L+減焦鏡+FLI PDF+OAG-8300+FW8+8300 這樣會超過減焦的鏡後距嗎? OAG-8300 - 7-element internal optical design - Built-in 0.7x reducer, doubles the field of view The OAG adds only ¾ in. (19mm) backfocus to the camera and filter wheel. ST 8300 The distance behind the eyepiece tube for the ST-8300 is approximately 0.7 inches (backfocus). 主題: 回覆: 詢問 Focal Reducer VC200L F/6.4 的鏡後距 作者: cuteip 於 2012-01-20 07:00:47 現在的接法會是
VC200L粗調焦座+環+PDF+環(內鎖光害濾鏡+減焦鏡)+8300濾鏡盤+8300 從減焦鏡後到8300的BACK FOCUS 86mm 我是想說如果距離還夠還可以濾鏡盤前接上 OAG-8300 - 7-element internal optical design - Built-in 0.7x reducer, doubles the field of view The OAG adds only ¾ in. (19mm) backfocus to the camera and filter wheel. 因為這個有附減焦0.7x 算算VC200L減焦完為1280 1280*0.7=896mm 配上ST-I 導1280應該綽綽有餘 |