1ev 例如,一個電子及一個正子(電子的反粒子),都具有質量大小為511 keV,能對撞毀滅以產生1.022 MeV的能量。質子,一個標準的重子,具有質量0.938 GeV。
1 eV/c² = 1.783 × 10−36 kg
1 keV/c² = 1.783 × 10−33 kg
1 MeV/c² = 1.783 × 10−30 kg
1 GeV/c² = 1.783 × 10−27 kg G=>10^9
1 TeV/c² = 1.783 × 10−24 kg T=> 10^12
1 P => 10^15
若做個比較,核爆中帶電粒子的能量範圍約在0.3至3 MeV。大氣中分子的能量約為0.03 eV
=> 1G eV 應該是 10 億電子伏特
1000萬億 多大?? 1*10^6 * G => 10^ 15 .. 好大能量 . American: Last year the team that runs the IceCube detector at the South Pole reported the discovery of two neutrinos, nicknamed Bert and Ernie, of cosmic origin and petaelectronvolt energies (1 PeV = 10^15 eV). Now the team has found a third PeV neutrino, bringing the total haul of cosmic neutrinos of all energies to 37. IceCube consists of strings of photomultiplier tubes that detect the neutrinos' extremely rare interactions with water molecules. The entire experiment occupies a volume of 1 cubic kilometer. Although the neutrinos' origins and production mechanisms remain mysterious, the directions from which they arrived at the South Pole suggest they are extragalactic.